<para>This is used by slapos client, now it's connected to <ulinkurl="https://www.slapos.org"/>. Login it to enter SlapOS Cloud world.</para>
<section><title>Node Runner</title>
<para>Node Runner is a web based development tool which uses slapgrid to install and instantiate the software, and it could be used to manage your slapos slave node in your computer.</para>
<para>Refer to <ulinkurl="http://community.slapos.org/wiki/osoe-Lecture.SlapOS.Extended/developer-Howto.Use.SlapOS.Web.Runner.html5"/></para>
<section><title>Command Console</title>
<para>It will open a terminal, here you can run most of slapos command,
<para>Refer to <ulinkurl="http://git.erp5.org/gitweb/slapos.core.git/blob/HEAD:/documentation/source/slapos.usage.rst?js=1"/></para>
<section><title>Configure Node</title>
<para>It used to generate all the configure files required by slapos slave node, you need pass certificate and key files of your registered server.</para>
<section><title>User Guide</title>
<para>It just showes this documnet in the web browser.</para>