will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit f10b9612 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak Committed by Rafael Monnerat

caddy-frontend: Fix caddy_custom_https conditions

In those places caddy_custom_https (and it's backward compatbility companion
apache_custom_https) was not checked, thus making it impossible to just use
https customisation, without http one.
parent 95376d5d
......@@ -59,10 +59,6 @@ Generally things to be done with ``caddy-frontend``:
* drop ``6tunnel`` and use ``bind`` in Caddy configuration, as soon as multiple binds will be possible, tracked in upstream `bind: support multiple values <>`_ and `ipv6: does not bind on ipv4 and ipv6 for sites that resolve to both <>`_
* use caddy-frontend in `standalone style playbooks <>`_
* ensure `QUIC <>`_ is used by caddy
* fix missing ``caddy_custom_https`` in:
*``{% if not ((slave.has_key('caddy_custom_http') or slave.has_key('apache_custom_http')) and not slave.get('slave_reference') in authorized_slave_string) %}``
* templates/``{% if caddy_custom_http %}``
Things which can't be implemented:
......@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ md5sum = a0e1e10f154342e8cc9936066e855b8f
filename =
md5sum = 3650a34afe39cdb9fdb46d58fb2acd2e
md5sum = 7f15b5745eda8e1f02d4bf7d886dcdad
filename = templates/
md5sum = ded5050d32d234ab13c843051bfac102
md5sum = fb6c93f42f232e381174a5951c3fc222
filename = templates/
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ md5sum = 6689d96fc18d9aad78d77fe87770d4da
filename = templates/
md5sum = ded5050d32d234ab13c843051bfac102
md5sum = fb6c93f42f232e381174a5951c3fc222
filename = templates/notfound.html
......@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ context =
{% set authorized_slave_list = [] %}
{% set rejected_slave_list = [] %}
{% for slave in slave_instance_list %}
{# BBB: apache_custom_http #}
{% if not ((slave.has_key('caddy_custom_http') or slave.has_key('apache_custom_http')) and not slave.get('slave_reference') in authorized_slave_string) %}
{# BBB: apache_custom_https AND apache_custom_http #}
{% if not ((slave.has_key('caddy_custom_http') or slave.has_key('apache_custom_http') or slave.has_key('caddy_custom_https') or slave.has_key('apache_custom_https')) and not slave.get('slave_reference') in authorized_slave_string) %}
{% do authorized_slave_list.append(slave) %}
{% else %}
{% do rejected_slave_list.append(slave.get('slave_reference')) %}
......@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ rendered = {{ caddy_configuration_directory }}/${:filename}
{% endif %}
{% if caddy_custom_http %}
{% if caddy_custom_http or caddy_custom_https %}
template = {{ template_custom_slave_configuration }}
{% elif slave_type == 'eventsource' %}
template = {{ template_eventsource_slave_configuration }}
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