Commit 43bda870 authored by Kristopher Ruzic's avatar Kristopher Ruzic

testing this

parent a190b694
......@@ -23,8 +23,10 @@ Things to Do - Rue Solferino, the zoo, whatever else.
Basic French - Phrases to know, how to order meals, get bill (lmao), deal with beggars (besides giving money)
Since there's no content, I'll just write some rules regarding composing this FAQ.
* Include images if they would help, give your opinion.
* Write personal experience and include your name in the bits you add.
* Make your own branch named after yourself, all merges will be accepted.
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###### Name of Place
> Information on place (price, address, cuisine)
> ||| Pros ||| Cons |
|-|:---------------|||:-------------- |
| | first pro ||| first con |
| | second pro ||| second con |
| | right-aligned ||| third con |
\ No newline at end of file
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