Commit 03c10a9a authored by Mitchell Hashimoto's avatar Mitchell Hashimoto

packer: renamed PrefixedUi to TargettedUi

parent 02edc757
......@@ -213,11 +213,10 @@ func (b *coreBuild) Run(originalUi Ui, cache Cache) ([]Artifact, error) {
hook := &DispatchHook{hooks}
artifacts := make([]Artifact, 0, 1)
// The builder just has a normal Ui, but prefixed
builderUi := &PrefixedUi{
fmt.Sprintf("==> %s", b.Name()),
fmt.Sprintf(" %s", b.Name()),
// The builder just has a normal Ui, but targetted
builderUi := &TargettedUi{
Target: b.Name(),
Ui: originalUi,
log.Printf("Running builder: %s", b.builderType)
......@@ -240,10 +239,9 @@ PostProcessorRunSeqLoop:
for _, ppSeq := range b.postProcessors {
priorArtifact := builderArtifact
for i, corePP := range ppSeq {
ppUi := &PrefixedUi{
fmt.Sprintf("==> %s (%s)", b.Name(), corePP.processorType),
fmt.Sprintf(" %s (%s)", b.Name(), corePP.processorType),
ppUi := &TargettedUi{
Target: fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", b.Name(), corePP.processorType),
Ui: originalUi,
builderUi.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Running post-processor: %s", corePP.processorType))
......@@ -43,12 +43,14 @@ type ColoredUi struct {
Ui Ui
// PrefixedUi is a UI that wraps another UI implementation and adds a
// prefix to all the messages going out.
type PrefixedUi struct {
SayPrefix string
MessagePrefix string
Ui Ui
// TargettedUi is a UI that wraps another UI implementation and modifies
// the output to indicate a specific target. Specifically, all Say output
// is prefixed with the target name. Message output is not prefixed but
// is offset by the length of the target so that output is lined up properly
// with Say output. Machine-readable output has the proper target set.
type TargettedUi struct {
Target string
Ui Ui
// The BasicUI is a UI that reads and writes from a standard Go reader
......@@ -116,32 +118,37 @@ func (u *ColoredUi) supportsColors() bool {
return cygwin
func (u *PrefixedUi) Ask(query string) (string, error) {
return u.Ui.Ask(u.prefixLines(u.SayPrefix, query))
func (u *TargettedUi) Ask(query string) (string, error) {
return u.Ui.Ask(u.prefixLines(true, query))
func (u *PrefixedUi) Say(message string) {
u.Ui.Say(u.prefixLines(u.SayPrefix, message))
func (u *TargettedUi) Say(message string) {
u.Ui.Say(u.prefixLines(true, message))
func (u *PrefixedUi) Message(message string) {
u.Ui.Message(u.prefixLines(u.MessagePrefix, message))
func (u *TargettedUi) Message(message string) {
u.Ui.Message(u.prefixLines(false, message))
func (u *PrefixedUi) Error(message string) {
u.Ui.Error(u.prefixLines(u.SayPrefix, message))
func (u *TargettedUi) Error(message string) {
u.Ui.Error(u.prefixLines(true, message))
func (u *PrefixedUi) Machine(t string, args ...string) {
func (u *TargettedUi) Machine(t string, args ...string) {
// Just pass it through for now.
u.Ui.Machine(t, args...)
func (u *PrefixedUi) prefixLines(prefix, message string) string {
func (u *TargettedUi) prefixLines(arrow bool, message string) string {
arrowText := "==>"
if !arrow {
arrowText = strings.Repeat(" ", len(arrowText))
var result bytes.Buffer
for _, line := range strings.Split(message, "\n") {
result.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s\n", prefix, line))
result.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s: %s\n", arrowText, u.Target, line))
return strings.TrimRightFunc(result.String(), unicode.IsSpace)
......@@ -36,23 +36,26 @@ func TestColoredUi(t *testing.T) {
func TestPrefixedUi(t *testing.T) {
func TestTargettedUi(t *testing.T) {
assert := asserts.NewTestingAsserts(t, true)
bufferUi := testUi()
prefixUi := &PrefixedUi{"mitchell", "bar", bufferUi}
TargettedUi := &TargettedUi{
Target: "foo",
Ui: bufferUi,
assert.Equal(readWriter(bufferUi), "mitchell: foo\n", "should have prefix")
assert.Equal(readWriter(bufferUi), "==> foo: foo\n", "should have prefix")
assert.Equal(readWriter(bufferUi), "bar: foo\n", "should have prefix")
assert.Equal(readWriter(bufferUi), " foo: foo\n", "should have prefix")
assert.Equal(readWriter(bufferUi), "mitchell: bar\n", "should have prefix")
assert.Equal(readWriter(bufferUi), "==> foo: bar\n", "should have prefix")
assert.Equal(readWriter(bufferUi), "mitchell: foo\nmitchell: bar\n", "should multiline")
assert.Equal(readWriter(bufferUi), "==> foo: foo\n==> foo: bar\n", "should multiline")
func TestColoredUi_ImplUi(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -63,11 +66,11 @@ func TestColoredUi_ImplUi(t *testing.T) {
func TestPrefixedUi_ImplUi(t *testing.T) {
func TestTargettedUi_ImplUi(t *testing.T) {
var raw interface{}
raw = &PrefixedUi{}
raw = &TargettedUi{}
if _, ok := raw.(Ui); !ok {
t.Fatalf("PrefixedUi must implement Ui")
t.Fatalf("TargettedUi must implement Ui")
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