Commit 944d0e2e authored by Eric Johnson's avatar Eric Johnson

Merge pull request #1431 from mpage/gce-project-id-for-source-image

Allow specifying project for source images in GCE
parents 895db383 8f237b7b
......@@ -16,25 +16,26 @@ import (
type Config struct {
common.PackerConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
BucketName string `mapstructure:"bucket_name"`
ClientSecretsFile string `mapstructure:"client_secrets_file"`
DiskSizeGb int64 `mapstructure:"disk_size"`
ImageName string `mapstructure:"image_name"`
ImageDescription string `mapstructure:"image_description"`
InstanceName string `mapstructure:"instance_name"`
MachineType string `mapstructure:"machine_type"`
Metadata map[string]string `mapstructure:"metadata"`
Network string `mapstructure:"network"`
Passphrase string `mapstructure:"passphrase"`
PrivateKeyFile string `mapstructure:"private_key_file"`
ProjectId string `mapstructure:"project_id"`
SourceImage string `mapstructure:"source_image"`
SSHUsername string `mapstructure:"ssh_username"`
SSHPort uint `mapstructure:"ssh_port"`
RawSSHTimeout string `mapstructure:"ssh_timeout"`
RawStateTimeout string `mapstructure:"state_timeout"`
Tags []string `mapstructure:"tags"`
Zone string `mapstructure:"zone"`
BucketName string `mapstructure:"bucket_name"`
ClientSecretsFile string `mapstructure:"client_secrets_file"`
DiskSizeGb int64 `mapstructure:"disk_size"`
ImageName string `mapstructure:"image_name"`
ImageDescription string `mapstructure:"image_description"`
InstanceName string `mapstructure:"instance_name"`
MachineType string `mapstructure:"machine_type"`
Metadata map[string]string `mapstructure:"metadata"`
Network string `mapstructure:"network"`
Passphrase string `mapstructure:"passphrase"`
PrivateKeyFile string `mapstructure:"private_key_file"`
ProjectId string `mapstructure:"project_id"`
SourceImage string `mapstructure:"source_image"`
SourceImageProjectId string `mapstructure:"source_image_project_id"`
SSHUsername string `mapstructure:"ssh_username"`
SSHPort uint `mapstructure:"ssh_port"`
RawSSHTimeout string `mapstructure:"ssh_timeout"`
RawStateTimeout string `mapstructure:"state_timeout"`
Tags []string `mapstructure:"tags"`
Zone string `mapstructure:"zone"`
clientSecrets *clientSecrets
instanceName string
......@@ -103,21 +104,22 @@ func NewConfig(raws ...interface{}) (*Config, []string, error) {
// Process Templates
templates := map[string]*string{
"bucket_name": &c.BucketName,
"client_secrets_file": &c.ClientSecretsFile,
"image_name": &c.ImageName,
"image_description": &c.ImageDescription,
"instance_name": &c.InstanceName,
"machine_type": &c.MachineType,
"network": &c.Network,
"passphrase": &c.Passphrase,
"private_key_file": &c.PrivateKeyFile,
"project_id": &c.ProjectId,
"source_image": &c.SourceImage,
"ssh_username": &c.SSHUsername,
"ssh_timeout": &c.RawSSHTimeout,
"state_timeout": &c.RawStateTimeout,
"zone": &c.Zone,
"bucket_name": &c.BucketName,
"client_secrets_file": &c.ClientSecretsFile,
"image_name": &c.ImageName,
"image_description": &c.ImageDescription,
"instance_name": &c.InstanceName,
"machine_type": &c.MachineType,
"network": &c.Network,
"passphrase": &c.Passphrase,
"private_key_file": &c.PrivateKeyFile,
"project_id": &c.ProjectId,
"source_image": &c.SourceImage,
"source_image_project_id": &c.SourceImageProjectId,
"ssh_username": &c.SSHUsername,
"ssh_timeout": &c.RawSSHTimeout,
"state_timeout": &c.RawStateTimeout,
"zone": &c.Zone,
for n, ptr := range templates {
......@@ -23,10 +23,15 @@ type Driver interface {
WaitForInstance(state, zone, name string) <-chan error
type Image struct {
Name string
ProjectId string
type InstanceConfig struct {
Description string
DiskSizeGb int64
Image string
Image Image
MachineType string
Metadata map[string]string
Name string
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ func (d *driverGCE) RunInstance(c *InstanceConfig) (<-chan error, error) {
// Get the image
d.ui.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Loading image: %s", c.Image))
d.ui.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Loading image: %s in project %s", c.Image.Name, c.Image.ProjectId))
image, err := d.getImage(c.Image)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -229,17 +229,17 @@ func (d *driverGCE) WaitForInstance(state, zone, name string) <-chan error {
return errCh
func (d *driverGCE) getImage(name string) (image *compute.Image, err error) {
projects := []string{d.projectId, "centos-cloud", "coreos-cloud", "debian-cloud", "google-containers", "opensuse-cloud", "rhel-cloud", "suse-cloud", "windows-cloud"}
func (d *driverGCE) getImage(img Image) (image *compute.Image, err error) {
projects := []string{img.ProjectId, "centos-cloud", "coreos-cloud", "debian-cloud", "google-containers", "opensuse-cloud", "rhel-cloud", "suse-cloud", "windows-cloud"}
for _, project := range projects {
image, err = d.service.Images.Get(project, name).Do()
image, err = d.service.Images.Get(project, img.Name).Do()
if err == nil && image != nil && image.SelfLink != "" {
image = nil
err = fmt.Errorf("Image %s could not be found in any of these projects: %s", name, projects)
err = fmt.Errorf("Image %s could not be found in any of these projects: %s", img.Name, projects)
......@@ -16,6 +16,14 @@ type StepCreateInstance struct {
instanceName string
func (config *Config) getImage() (Image) {
project := config.ProjectId
if config.SourceImageProjectId != "" {
project = config.SourceImageProjectId
return Image{Name: config.SourceImage, ProjectId: project}
// Run executes the Packer build step that creates a GCE instance.
func (s *StepCreateInstance) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
config := state.Get("config").(*Config)
......@@ -29,7 +37,7 @@ func (s *StepCreateInstance) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction
errCh, err := driver.RunInstance(&InstanceConfig{
Description: "New instance created by Packer",
DiskSizeGb: config.DiskSizeGb,
Image: config.SourceImage,
Image: config.getImage(),
MachineType: config.MachineType,
Metadata: map[string]string{
"sshKeys": fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", config.SSHUsername, sshPublicKey),
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