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Commit 14ebe535 authored by Tomáš Peterka's avatar Tomáš Peterka Committed by Tomáš Peterka

[hal_json] Allow parameter instrospection for External Methods

parent 56db74f4
......@@ -223,15 +223,37 @@ def selectKwargsForCallable(func, initial_kwargs, kwargs_dict):
In case the function cannot state required arguments it throws an AttributeError.
if not hasattr(func, 'params'):
if hasattr(func, 'params'):
# In case the func is actualy Script (Python) or ERP5 Python Script
func_param_list = [tuple(map(lambda x: x.strip(), func_param.split('='))) for func_param in func.params().split(",")]
elif hasattr(func, "func_args"):
# In case the func is an External Method
func_param_list = func.func_args
if len(func_param_list) > 0 and func_param_list[0] == "self":
func_param_list = func_param_list[1:]
func_default_list = func.func_defaults
func_param_list = [(func_param, func_default_list[i]) if len(func_default_list) >= (i + 1) else (func_param, )
for i, func_param in enumerate(func_param_list)]
# TODO: cover the case of Callables
# For anything else give up in advance and just return initial guess of the callee
return initial_kwargs
func_param_list = [func_param.strip() for func_param in func.params().split(",")]
func_param_name_list = [func_param if '=' not in func_param else func_param.split('=')[0]
for func_param in func_param_list if '*' not in func_param]
# func_param_list is a list of tuples - first item is parameter name and optinal second item is the default value
func_param_name_list = [item[0] for item in func_param_list]
for func_param_name in func_param_name_list:
if func_param_name in kwargs_dict and func_param_name not in initial_kwargs:
initial_kwargs[func_param_name] = kwargs_dict.get(func_param_name)
if '*' in func_param_name:
# move necessary parameters from kwargs_dict to initial_kwargs
if func_param_name not in initial_kwargs and func_param_name in kwargs_dict:
func_param_value = kwargs_dict.get(func_param_name)
if callable(func_param_value):
initial_kwargs[func_param_name] = func_param_value() # evaluate lazy attributes
initial_kwargs[func_param_name] = func_param_value
# In case of reports (later even exports) substitute None for unknown
# parameters. We suppose Python syntax for parameters!
......@@ -240,14 +262,21 @@ def selectKwargsForCallable(func, initial_kwargs, kwargs_dict):
# this way we can mimic synchronous rendering when all form field values
# were available in `kwargs_dict`. It is obviously wrong behaviour.
for func_param in func_param_list:
if "*" in func_param:
if "*" in func_param[0]:
if "=" in func_param:
if len(func_param) > 1: # default value exists
# now we have only mandatory parameters
func_param = func_param.strip()
func_param = func_param[0].strip()
if func_param not in initial_kwargs:
initial_kwargs[func_param] = None
# If the method does not specify **kwargs we need to remove unwanted parameters
if len(func_param_name_list) > 0 and "**" not in func_param_name_list[-1]:
initial_param_list = tuple(initial_kwargs.keys()) # copy the keys
for initial_param in initial_param_list:
if initial_param not in func_param_name_list:
del initial_kwargs[initial_param]
return initial_kwargs
......@@ -785,17 +814,9 @@ def renderField(traversed_document, field, form, value=None, meta_type=None, key
# still in the request which is not our case because we do asynchronous rendering
if list_method is not None:
selectKwargsForCallable(list_method, list_method_query_dict, REQUEST)
# Now if the list_method does not specify **kwargs we need to remove
# unwanted parameters like "portal_type" which is everywhere
if hasattr(list_method, 'params') and "**" not in list_method.params():
_param_key_list = tuple(list_method_query_dict.keys()) # copy the keys
for param_key in _param_key_list:
if param_key not in list_method.params(): # we search in raw string
del list_method_query_dict[param_key] # but it is enough
if (True): # editable_column_list (used to be but we need
# template fields resolution (issued by existence of `form_relative_url`)
# to always kick in
if (True): # editable_column_list (we need that template fields resolution
# (issued by existence of `form_relative_url`) always kicks in
list_method_custom = url_template_dict["custom_search_template"] % {
"root_url": site_root.absolute_url(),
......@@ -25,12 +25,29 @@ class _(PatchClass(ExternalMethod)):
def func_defaults(self):
"""Return a tuple of default values.
The first value is for the "second" parameter (self is ommited)
componentFunction(self, form_id='', **kw)
will have func_defaults = ('', )
return self._getFunction()[1]
def func_code(self):
return self._getFunction()[2]
def func_args(self):
"""Return list of parameter names.
componentFunction(self, form_id='', **kw)
will have func_args = ['self', 'form_id']
return self._getFunction()[4]
def getFunction(self, reload=False):
return self._getFunction(reload)[0]
......@@ -74,14 +91,21 @@ class _(PatchClass(ExternalMethod)):
except AttributeError:
code = f.func_code
args = getargs(code)[0]
argument_object = getargs(code)
# reconstruct back the original names
arg_list = argument_object.args[:]
if argument_object.varargs:
arg_list.append('*' + argument_object.varargs)
if argument_object.keywords:
arg_list.append('**' + argument_object.keywords)
i = isinstance(f, MethodType)
ff = f.__func__ if i else f
has_self = len(args) > i and args[i] == 'self'
has_self = len(arg_list) > i and arg_list[i] == 'self'
i += has_self
if i:
code = FuncCode(ff, i)
self._v_f = _f = (f, f.func_defaults, code, has_self)
self._v_f = _f = (f, f.func_defaults, code, has_self, arg_list)
return _f
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
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