Commit e474a444 authored by Aurel's avatar Aurel

defined the city area in telephone numbers

add regexp for it
modify unit test to take into account this new property
add new preference property to defined preferred city area

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 870b855f
No related merge requests found
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, Constraint, Interface
from Products.ERP5Type.Base import Base
from Products.ERP5.Document.Coordinate import Coordinate
from zLOG import LOG
import re
class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
......@@ -71,6 +71,12 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
# The list is a priority list,
# be carefull to add a new regex.
regex_list = [
# Country, Area, City, Number, Extension*
"\+(?P<country>[\d ]+)(?P<toto>\(0\)|\ |\-)(?P<area>\d+)(\-|\ )(?P<city>\d+)(\-|\ )(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
# Area, City, Number, Extension*
"^(\(0\)|0)?(?P<area>\d+)(\-|\ |\/)(?P<city>\d+)(\-|\ )(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
# Country, Area, Number, Extension*
# +11(0)1-11111111/111 or +11(0)1-11111111/ or +11(0)1-11111111
# +11(0)1-1111-1111/111 or +11(0)1-1111-1111/ or +11(0)1-1111-1111
......@@ -78,6 +84,7 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
# +11 (0)11 1011 1100/111 or +11 (0)11 1011 1100/ or +11 (0)11 1011 1100
"\+(?P<country>[\d\ ]*)\(0\)(?P<area>\d+)(\-|\ )(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
# Country, Area, Number, Extension*
# +11-1-11111111/111 or +11-1-11111111/ or +11-1-11111111
"\+(?P<country>\d+)-(?P<area>\d+)-(?P<number>[\d\ \-]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
......@@ -215,7 +222,7 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
# (11-1) 1.111.111/111 or (11-1) 1.111.111/ or (11-1) 1.111.111
"\((\+|)(?P<country>\d+)\-(?P<area>\d+)\)(\ |\-|)(?P<number>[\d\ \-\.]*)(?:\/)?(?P<ext>\d+|)",
# Country, area, number and extersion*
# Country, area, number and extension*
# + 111-11-1110111/111 or + 111-11-1110111/ or + 111-11-1110111
# +111-11-1110111/111 or +111-11-1110111/ or +111-11-1110111
# +111/1/1111 1100/111 or +111/1/1111 1100/ or +111/1/1111 1100
......@@ -263,14 +270,15 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
country = number_dict.get('country','')
area = number_dict.get('area','')
city = number_dict.get('city','')
number = number_dict.get('number','')
extension = number_dict.get('ext','')
if ((country in ['', None]) and \
(area in ['', None]) and \
(city in ['', None]) and \
(number in ['', None]) and \
(extension in ['', None])):
country = area = number = extension = ''
country = area = city = number = extension = ''
# Trying to get the country and area from dict,
# but if it fails must be get from preference
......@@ -279,9 +287,12 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
country = preference_tool.getPreferredTelephoneDefaultCountryNumber('')
if area in ['', None]:
area = preference_tool.getPreferredTelephoneDefaultAreaNumber('')
if city in ['', None]:
city = preference_tool.getPreferredTelephoneDefaultCityNumber('')
country = country.strip()
area = area.strip()
city = city.strip()
number = number.strip()
extension = extension.strip()
......@@ -293,6 +304,7 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
self.edit(telephone_country = country,
telephone_area = area,
telephone_city = city,
telephone_number = number,
telephone_extension = extension)
......@@ -310,6 +322,7 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
country = self.getTelephoneCountry('')
area = self.getTelephoneArea('')
city = self.getTelephoneCity('')
number = self.getTelephoneNumber('')
extension = self.getTelephoneExtension('')
......@@ -317,6 +330,7 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
# the method should to return blank.
if ((country == '') and \
(area == '') and \
(city == '') and \
(number == '') and \
(extension == '')):
return ''
......@@ -326,6 +340,10 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
if notation not in [None, '']:
notation = notation.replace('<country>',country)
notation = notation.replace('<area>',area)
if city == "":
notation = notation.replace('<city>-', '')
notation = notation.replace('<city>',city)
notation = notation.replace('<number>',number)
notation = notation.replace('<ext>',extension)
......@@ -349,6 +367,10 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
telephone_area = self.getTelephoneArea()
if telephone_area is not None:
url_string += telephone_area
telephone_city = self.getTelephoneCity()
if telephone_city is not None:
url_string += telephone_city
telephone_number = self.getTelephoneNumber()
if telephone_number is not None:
......@@ -373,8 +395,8 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate, Base):
Returns the notation that will be used by asText method.
# The notation can be changed.
# But needs to have <country>, <area>, <number> and <ext>
return "+<country>(0)<area>-<number>/<ext>"
# But needs to have <country>, <area>, <city>, <number> and <ext>
return "+<country>(0)<area>-<city>-<number>/<ext>"
def _getRegexList(self):
......@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ class Telephone:
'description' : 'Area indicative number',
'type' : 'string',
'mode' : 'w' },
{ 'id' : 'telephone_city',
'description' : 'City indicative number',
'type' : 'string',
'mode' : 'w' },
{ 'id' : 'telephone_number',
'description' : 'Telephone number minus indicatives',
'type' : 'string',
......@@ -48,6 +48,13 @@ class TelephonePreference:
'mode' : 'w',
'default' : '',
{ 'id' : 'preferred_telephone_default_city_number',
'description' : 'The default city number.',
'type' : 'string',
'preference' : 1,
'mode' : 'w',
'default' : '',
{ 'id' : 'preferred_telephone_default_region',
'description' : 'The default region.',
'type' : 'string',
......@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ class TestERP5Base(ERP5TypeTestCase):
['+11(0)-1111111/111', '+11(0)-1111111/111'],
['+11(0)-1111111/', '+11(0)-1111111'],
['+11(0)-1111111', '+11(0)-1111111'],
['+11 111 1111 1111/111', '+11(0)111-11111111/111'],
['+11 111 1111 1111/111', '+11(0)111-1111-1111/111'],
['+11(1)11111111/', '+11(0)1-11111111'],
['+11(1)11111111', '+11(0)1-11111111'],
['+11()11111111/111', '+11(0)-11111111/111'],
......@@ -948,29 +948,29 @@ class TestERP5Base(ERP5TypeTestCase):
['(11)-11111111', '+(0)11-11111111'],
['+11 1 011111111/1', '+11(0)1-011111111/1'],
['+11 1 011111111', '+11(0)1-011111111'],
['+11 111 1111 1111/', '+11(0)111-11111111'],
['1-11 01 11 11/111', '+(0)1-11011111/111'],
['1-11 01 11 11/', '+(0)1-11011111'],
['1-11 01 11 11', '+(0)1-11011111'],
['11 01 11 11/111', '+(0)-11011111/111'],
['11 01 11 11/', '+(0)-11011111'],
['11 01 11 11', '+(0)-11011111'],
['111 11 11/111', '+(0)-1111111/111'],
['111 11 11/', '+(0)-1111111'],
['111 11 11', '+(0)-1111111'],
['111-11 11/111', '+(0)111-1111/111'],
['111-11 11/', '+(0)111-1111'],
['111-11 11', '+(0)111-1111'],
['+11 111 1111 1111/', '+11(0)111-1111-1111'],
['1-11 01 11 11/111', '+(0)1-11-011111/111'],
['1-11 01 11 11/', '+(0)1-11-011111'],
['1-11 01 11 11', '+(0)1-11-011111'],
['11 01 11 11/111', '+(0)11-01-1111/111'],
['11 01 11 11/', '+(0)11-01-1111'],
['11 01 11 11', '+(0)11-01-1111'],
['111 11 11/111', '+(0)111-11-11/111'],
['111 11 11/', '+(0)111-11-11'],
['111 11 11', '+(0)111-11-11'],
['111-11 11/111', '+(0)111-11-11/111'],
['111-11 11/', '+(0)111-11-11'],
['111-11 11', '+(0)111-11-11'],
['1111111/11', '+(0)-1111111/11'],
['011-111-1111/111', '+(0)11-1111111/111'],
['011-111-1111/', '+(0)11-1111111'],
['011-111-1111', '+(0)11-1111111'],
['011-111-1111/111', '+(0)11-111-1111/111'],
['011-111-1111/', '+(0)11-111-1111'],
['011-111-1111', '+(0)11-111-1111'],
['011(111)1111/111', '+(0)11-1111111/111'],
['011(111)1111/', '+(0)11-1111111'],
['011(111)1111', '+(0)11-1111111'],
['111/111-1111/111', '+(0)111-1111111/111'],
['111/111-1111/', '+(0)111-1111111'],
['111/111-1111', '+(0)111-1111111'],
['111/111-1111/111', '+(0)111-111-1111/111'],
['111/111-1111/', '+(0)111-111-1111'],
['111/111-1111', '+(0)111-111-1111'],
['+11 111111111/111', '+11(0)-111111111/111'],
['+11 111111111/', '+11(0)-111111111'],
['+11 111111111', '+11(0)-111111111'],
......@@ -983,12 +983,12 @@ class TestERP5Base(ERP5TypeTestCase):
['111.111.1111/111', '+(0)111-1111111/111'],
['111.111.1111/', '+(0)111-1111111'],
['111.111.1111', '+(0)111-1111111'],
['+ 11 (0)1-11 11 01 01/111', '+11(0)1-11110101/111'],
['+ 11 (0)1-11 11 01 01/', '+11(0)1-11110101'],
['+ 11 (0)1-11 11 01 01', '+11(0)1-11110101'],
['+11-1 11 11 01 11/111', '+11(0)1-11110111/111'],
['+11-1 11 11 01 11/', '+11(0)1-11110111'],
['+11-1 11 11 01 11', '+11(0)1-11110111'],
['+ 11 (0)1-11 11 01 01/111', '+11(0)1-11-110101/111'],
['+ 11 (0)1-11 11 01 01/', '+11(0)1-11-110101'],
['+ 11 (0)1-11 11 01 01', '+11(0)1-11-110101'],
['+11-1 11 11 01 11/111', '+11(0)1-11-110111/111'],
['+11-1 11 11 01 11/', '+11(0)1-11-110111'],
['+11-1 11 11 01 11', '+11(0)1-11-110111'],
['+111 (0) 1 111 11011/111', '+111(0)1-11111011/111'],
['+111 (0) 1 111 11011/', '+111(0)1-11111011'],
['+111 (0) 1 111 11011', '+111(0)1-11111011'],
......@@ -1001,12 +1001,12 @@ class TestERP5Base(ERP5TypeTestCase):
['+111 101011111/111', '+111(0)-101011111/111'],
['+111 101011111/', '+111(0)-101011111'],
['+111 101011111', '+111(0)-101011111'],
['+11 (0)11 1011 1100/111', '+11(0)11-10111100/111'],
['+11 (0)11 1011 1100/', '+11(0)11-10111100'],
['+11 (0)11 1011 1100', '+11(0)11-10111100'],
['+11 (0)10 1101 1111/111', '+11(0)10-11011111/111'],
['+11 (0)10 1101 1111/', '+11(0)10-11011111'],
['+11 (0)10 1101 1111', '+11(0)10-11011111'],
['+11 (0)11 1011 1100/111', '+11(0)11-1011-1100/111'],
['+11 (0)11 1011 1100/', '+11(0)11-1011-1100'],
['+11 (0)11 1011 1100', '+11(0)11-1011-1100'],
['+11 (0)10 1101 1111/111', '+11(0)10-1101-1111/111'],
['+11 (0)10 1101 1111/', '+11(0)10-1101-1111'],
['+11 (0)10 1101 1111', '+11(0)10-1101-1111'],
['(111 11) 111111/111', '+111(0)11-111111/111'],
['(111 11) 111111/', '+111(0)11-111111'],
['(111 11) 111111', '+111(0)11-111111'],
......@@ -1058,9 +1058,9 @@ class TestERP5Base(ERP5TypeTestCase):
['+10 (111) 110 11 11/111', '+10(0)111-1101111/111'],
['+10 (111) 110 11 11/', '+10(0)111-1101111'],
['+10 (111) 110 11 11', '+10(0)111-1101111'],
['+ 111 1 1101 101/111', '+111(0)1-1101101/111'],
['+ 111 1 1101 101/', '+111(0)1-1101101'],
['+ 111 1 1101 101', '+111(0)1-1101101'],
['+ 111 1 1101 101/111', '+111(0)1-1101-101/111'],
['+ 111 1 1101 101/', '+111(0)1-1101-101'],
['+ 111 1 1101 101', '+111(0)1-1101-101'],
['+11 1111-1111/111', '+11(0)-11111111/111'],
['+11 1111-1111/', '+11(0)-11111111'],
['+11 1111-1111', '+11(0)-11111111'],
......@@ -1076,11 +1076,12 @@ class TestERP5Base(ERP5TypeTestCase):
['+111/1/1111 1100/111', '+111(0)1-11111100/111'],
['+111/1/1111 1100/', '+111(0)1-11111100'],
['+111/1/1111 1100', '+111(0)1-11111100'],
['+11(0)11-1111-1111/111', '+11(0)11-11111111/111'],
['+11(0)11-1111-1111/111', '+11(0)11-1111-1111/111'],
for i in input_list:
print i
def test_TelephoneWhenTheDefaultCountryAndAreaPreferenceIsBlank(self):
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