Commit 8e6f71b8 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

🚧 corporate_identity_test: changes that should be reported

( this is just for test, not to be merged )
parent cf771dd7
<p>This document is a high level overview measures taken by Foo for Bar project. </p>
<p>This document is a high level overview measures taken by Foo for Bar project. it has differences to check the test</p>
The purpose of this document is to show possible dangers and measures being
taken to prevent them from legal and ethics point of view.
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ the risk of casualties. How can we be protected in this case: Only by finding
the right combination of risk / economic performance and a proper insurance coverage.
Reasearch [<a href="" title="Claudia Hofemann Wind Energy Section, TU Delft">AD</a>]
Reasearch [<a href="" title="(Difference) Claudia Hofemann Wind Energy Section, TU Delft">AD</a>]
shows the different correlation factors based on different models of machine
learning. Based on these findings another model / formula can be derived in
which we can calculate risk and evaluate costs of insurance which can cover
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