Commit b2b10e03 authored by Aurel's avatar Aurel

a person cannot have tow bank accounts on the same site

bank account numbers have to unique

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 9b635d8c
......@@ -71,10 +71,37 @@ from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import ValidationFailed\n
bank_account = state_change[\'object\']\n
# use of the constraint\n
if bank_account.getParentValue().getPortalType()!=\'Person\':\n
if bank_account.getParentValue().getPortalType()!= \'Person\':\n
vliste = bank_account.checkConsistency()\n
if len(vliste) != 0:\n
raise ValidationFailed, (vliste[0].getTranslatedMessage(),)\n
if bank_account.getParentValue().getPortalType()== \'Person\':\n
# Can\'t have two bank account\n
for obj in bank_account.getParentValue().objectValues():\n
if obj.getPortalType() == "Bank Account" and obj.getValidationState() not in (\'draft\', \'closed\') \\\n
and obj.getSource() == bank_account.getSource():\n
raise ValidationFailed, "You cannot open two bank account for the same person in the same site"\n
valid_state = ["valid", "being_closed", "validating_closing",\n
"being_modified", "validating_modification", "closed"]\n
# Check same reference do not already exists\n
same_ref_list = context.portal_catalog(validation_state=valid_state,\n
portal_type="Bank Account",\n
if len(same_ref_list):\n
raise ValidationFailed, "Bank account with same reference already exists"\n
# Same for internal reference if exists\n
if bank_account.getInternalBankAccountNumber() not in ("", None):\n
same_ref_list = context.portal_catalog(validation_state=valid_state,\n
portal_type="Bank Account",\n
if len(same_ref_list):\n
raise ValidationFailed, "Bank account with same internal reference already exists"\n
</string> </value>
......@@ -128,6 +155,12 @@ if bank_account.getParentValue().getPortalType()!=\'Person\':\n
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