Commit a53ed6b9 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov Committed by Han-Wen Nienhuys

fuse: Package-level overview

I've made the notes for myself, but then though it could be maybe useful
as the package documentation.
parent b760b557
......@@ -2,9 +2,86 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The fuse package provides APIs to implement filesystems in
// userspace. Typically, each call of the API happens in its own
// Package fuse provides APIs to implement filesystems in
// userspace in terms of raw FUSE protocol.
// A filesystem is implemented by implementing its server that provides a
// RawFileSystem interface. Typically the server embeds
// NewDefaultRawFileSystem() and implements only subset of filesystem methods:
// type MyFS struct {
// fuse.RawFileSystem
// ...
// }
// func NewMyFS() *MyFS {
// return &MyFS{
// RawFileSystem: fuse.NewDefaultRawFileSystem(),
// ...
// }
// }
// // Mkdir implements "mkdir" request handler.
// //
// // For other requests - not explicitly implemented by MyFS - ENOSYS
// // will be typically returned to client.
// func (fs *MyFS) Mkdir(...) {
// ...
// }
// Then the filesystem can be mounted and served to a client (typically OS
// kernel) by creating Server:
// fs := NewMyFS() // implements RawFileSystem
// fssrv, err := fuse.NewServer(fs, mountpoint, &fuse.MountOptions{...})
// if err != nil {
// ...
// }
// and letting the server do its work:
// // either synchronously - .Serve() blocks until the filesystem is unmounted.
// fssrv.Serve()
// // or in the background - .Serve() is spawned in another goroutine, but
// // before interacting with fssrv from current context we have to wait
// // until the filesystem mounting is complete.
// go fssrv.Serve()
// err = fssrv.WaitMount()
// if err != nil {
// ...
// }
// The server will serve clients by dispatching their requests to the
// filesystem implementation and conveying responses back. For example "mkdir"
// FUSE request dispatches to call
// fs.Mkdir(*MkdirIn, ..., *EntryOut)
// "stat" to call
// fs.GetAttr(*GetAttrIn, *AttrOut)
// etc. Please refer to RawFileSystem documentation for details.
// Typically, each call of the API happens in its own
// goroutine, so take care to make the file system thread-safe.
// Higher level interfaces
// As said above this packages provides way to implement filesystems in terms of
// raw FUSE protocol. Additionally packages nodefs and pathfs provide ways to
// implement filesystem at higher levels:
// Package provides way to implement
// filesystems in terms of inodes. This resembles kernel's idea of what a
// filesystem looks like.
// Package provides way to implement
// filesystems in terms of path names. Working with path names is somewhat
// easier compared to inodes, however renames can be racy. Do not use pathfs if
// you care about correctness.
package fuse
// Types for users to implement.
......@@ -85,9 +162,13 @@ type MountOptions struct {
// RawFileSystem is an interface close to the FUSE wire protocol.
// Unless you really know what you are doing, you should not implement
// this, but rather the FileSystem interface; the details of getting
// interactions with open files, renames, and threading right etc. are
// somewhat tricky and not very interesting.
// this, but rather the nodefs.Node or pathfs.FileSystem interfaces; the
// details of getting interactions with open files, renames, and threading
// right etc. are somewhat tricky and not very interesting.
// Each FUSE request results in a corresponding method called by Server.
// Several calls may be made simultaneously, because the server typically calls
// each method in separate goroutine.
// A null implementation is provided by NewDefaultRawFileSystem.
type RawFileSystem interface {
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