• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    X ... but negative impact on separate client / server processes, strange ... · 68738036
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    without runtime.Gosched
    null:00   ; oid=0..16995  nread=68269354  t=536.560158ms (31.569µs / object)  x=zsha1.go
    null:00   ; oid=0..16995  nread=68269354  t=532.416867ms (31.326µs / object)  x=zsha1.go
    null:00   ; oid=0..16995  nread=68269354  t=536.958977ms (31.593µs / object)  x=zsha1.go
    null:00   ; oid=0..16995  nread=68269354  t=534.170594ms (31.429µs / object)  x=zsha1.go
    with runtime.Gosched
    null:00   ; oid=0..16995  nread=68269354  t=594.966346ms (35.006µs / object)  x=zsha1.go
    null:00   ; oid=0..16995  nread=68269354  t=597.510359ms (35.155µs / object)  x=zsha1.go
    null:00   ; oid=0..16995  nread=68269354  t=598.251026ms (35.199µs / object)  x=zsha1.go
    null:00   ; oid=0..16995  nread=68269354  t=596.02138ms (35.068µs / object)  x=zsha1.go
    -> trace shows runtime.Gosched indeed switches to woken up G without
    second syscall in serveRecv but serveRecv migrates to different M (so
    different CPU)
connection.go 44.3 KB