Commit fc2f4a1a authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent c5f6dc77
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import (
......@@ -116,14 +116,14 @@ func masterStartReady(where string, ready bool) *eventMStartReady {
type EventRouter struct {
mu sync.Mutex
defaultq *tsync.SyncChan
defaultq *tracetest.SyncChan
// events specific to particular node - e.g. node starts listening,
// state on that node changes, etc...
byNode map[string /*host*/]*tsync.SyncChan
byNode map[string /*host*/]*tracetest.SyncChan
// state on host changes. Takes precendece over byNode.
byState map[string /*host*/]*tsync.SyncChan
byState map[string /*host*/]*tracetest.SyncChan
// event on a-b link
byLink map[string /*host-host*/]*linkDst
......@@ -133,16 +133,16 @@ type EventRouter struct {
func NewEventRouter() *EventRouter {
return &EventRouter{
defaultq: tsync.NewSyncChan("default"),
byNode: make(map[string]*tsync.SyncChan),
byState: make(map[string]*tsync.SyncChan),
defaultq: tracetest.NewSyncChan("default"),
byNode: make(map[string]*tracetest.SyncChan),
byState: make(map[string]*tracetest.SyncChan),
byLink: make(map[string]*linkDst),
connected: make(map[string]bool),
func (r *EventRouter) AllRoutes() []*tsync.SyncChan {
rtset := map[*tsync.SyncChan]int{}
func (r *EventRouter) AllRoutes() []*tracetest.SyncChan {
rtset := map[*tracetest.SyncChan]int{}
rtset[r.defaultq] = 1
for _, dst := range r.byNode {
rtset[dst] = 1
......@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ func (r *EventRouter) AllRoutes() []*tsync.SyncChan {
rtset[ldst.b] = 1
var rtv []*tsync.SyncChan
var rtv []*tracetest.SyncChan
for dst := range rtset {
rtv = append(rtv, dst)
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ func host(addr string) string {
// Route routes events according to rules specified via Branch*()
func (r *EventRouter) Route(event interface{}) (dst *tsync.SyncChan) {
func (r *EventRouter) Route(event interface{}) (dst *tracetest.SyncChan) {
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ func (r *EventRouter) Route(event interface{}) (dst *tsync.SyncChan) {
// routeState routes event corresponding to state change on host
func (r *EventRouter) routeState(host string) (dst *tsync.SyncChan) {
func (r *EventRouter) routeState(host string) (dst *tracetest.SyncChan) {
// lookup dst by state rules
dst = r.byState[host]
if dst != nil {
......@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ func (r *EventRouter) routeState(host string) (dst *tsync.SyncChan) {
// BranchNode branches events corresponding to host.
func (r *EventRouter) BranchNode(host string, dst *tsync.SyncChan) {
func (r *EventRouter) BranchNode(host string, dst *tracetest.SyncChan) {
......@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ func (r *EventRouter) BranchNode(host string, dst *tsync.SyncChan) {
// BranchState branches events corresponding to state changes on host.
func (r *EventRouter) BranchState(host string, dst *tsync.SyncChan) {
func (r *EventRouter) BranchState(host string, dst *tracetest.SyncChan) {
......@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ func (r *EventRouter) BranchState(host string, dst *tsync.SyncChan) {
// Event with networking cause root coming from a go to dsta, and with
// networking cause root coming from b - go to dstb.
func (r *EventRouter) BranchLink(link string, dsta, dstb *tsync.SyncChan) {
func (r *EventRouter) BranchLink(link string, dsta, dstb *tracetest.SyncChan) {
......@@ -313,8 +313,8 @@ func (r *EventRouter) BranchLink(link string, dsta, dstb *tsync.SyncChan) {
type linkDst struct {
a *tsync.SyncChan // net cause was on dialer
b *tsync.SyncChan // net cause was on listener
a *tracetest.SyncChan // net cause was on dialer
b *tracetest.SyncChan // net cause was on listener
// ---- trace probes, etc -> events -> dispatcher ----
......@@ -322,14 +322,14 @@ type linkDst struct {
// TraceCollector connects to NEO-specific trace points via probes and sends events to dispatcher.
type TraceCollector struct {
pg *tracing.ProbeGroup
d *tsync.EventDispatcher
d interface { Dispatch(interface{}) }
node2Name map[*NodeApp]string
nodeTab2Owner map[*NodeTable]string
clusterState2Owner map[*proto.ClusterState]string
func NewTraceCollector(dispatch *tsync.EventDispatcher) *TraceCollector {
func NewTraceCollector(dispatch interface { Dispatch(interface{}) }) *TraceCollector {
return &TraceCollector{
pg: &tracing.ProbeGroup{},
d: dispatch,
......@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ func (t *TraceCollector) traceMasterStartReady(m *Master, ready bool) {
// M drives cluster with 1 S & C through recovery -> verification -> service -> shutdown
func TestMasterStorage(t *testing.T) {
rt := NewEventRouter()
dispatch := tsync.NewEventDispatcher(rt)
dispatch := tracetest.NewEventDispatcher(rt)
tracer := NewTraceCollector(dispatch)
net := pipenet.New("testnet") // test network
......@@ -423,11 +423,6 @@ func TestMasterStorage(t *testing.T) {
defer tracer.Detach()
// by default events go to g
//g := tsync.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, rt.defaultq)
// shortcut for addresses
xaddr := func(addr string) *pipenet.Addr {
a, err := net.ParseAddr(addr)
......@@ -483,23 +478,23 @@ func TestMasterStorage(t *testing.T) {
Shost := xnet.NetTrace(net.Host("s"), tracer)
Chost := xnet.NetTrace(net.Host("c"), tracer)
cM := tsync.NewSyncChan("m.main") // trace of events local to M
cS := tsync.NewSyncChan("s.main") // trace of events local to S XXX with cause root also on S
// cC := tsync.NewSyncChan("c.main")
cMS := tsync.NewSyncChan("m-s") // trace of events with cause root being m -> s send
cSM := tsync.NewSyncChan("s-m") // trace of events with cause root being s -> m send
cMC := tsync.NewSyncChan("m-c") // ----//---- m -> c
cCM := tsync.NewSyncChan("c-m") // ----//---- c -> m
cCS := tsync.NewSyncChan("c-s") // ----//---- c -> s
tM := tsync.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, cM)
tS := tsync.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, cS)
// tC := tsync.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, cC) // XXX no need
tMS := tsync.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, cMS)
tSM := tsync.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, cSM)
tMC := tsync.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, cMC)
tCM := tsync.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, cCM)
tCS := tsync.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, cCS)
cM := tracetest.NewSyncChan("m.main") // trace of events local to M
cS := tracetest.NewSyncChan("s.main") // trace of events local to S XXX with cause root also on S
// cC := tracetest.NewSyncChan("c.main")
cMS := tracetest.NewSyncChan("m-s") // trace of events with cause root being m -> s send
cSM := tracetest.NewSyncChan("s-m") // trace of events with cause root being s -> m send
cMC := tracetest.NewSyncChan("m-c") // ----//---- m -> c
cCM := tracetest.NewSyncChan("c-m") // ----//---- c -> m
cCS := tracetest.NewSyncChan("c-s") // ----//---- c -> s
tM := tracetest.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, cM)
tS := tracetest.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, cS)
// tC := tracetest.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, cC) // XXX no need
tMS := tracetest.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, cMS)
tSM := tracetest.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, cSM)
tMC := tracetest.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, cMC)
tCM := tracetest.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, cCM)
tCS := tracetest.NewEventChecker(t, dispatch, cCS)
rt.BranchNode("m", cM)
......@@ -910,7 +905,18 @@ func TestMasterStorage(t *testing.T) {
// dispatch1 dispatched directly to single output channel
// XXX hack - better we don't need it.
// XXX -> with testenv.MkCluster() we won't need it
type tdispatch1 struct {
outch *tracetest.SyncChan
func (d tdispatch1) Dispatch(event interface{}) {
func benchmarkGetObject(b *testing.B, Mnet, Snet, Cnet xnet.Networker, benchit func(xcload1 func())) {
// create test cluster <- XXX factor to utility func
zstor := xfs1stor("../zodb/storage/fs1/testdata/1.fs")
......@@ -924,12 +930,13 @@ func benchmarkGetObject(b *testing.B, Mnet, Snet, Cnet xnet.Networker, benchit f
M := NewMaster("abc1", "", Mnet)
// XXX to wait for "M listens at ..." & "ready to start" -> XXX add something to M api?
tracer := &TraceRouter{tsync.NewSyncChan()}
tc := tsync.NewEventChecker(b, tracer.SyncChan)
pg := &tracing.ProbeGroup{}
cG := tracetest.NewSyncChan("main")
tG := tracetest.NewEventChecker(b, nil /* XXX */, cG)
tracer := NewTraceCollector(tdispatch1{cG})
pnode := traceNodeChanged_Attach(nil, tracer.traceNode)
traceMasterStartReady_Attach(pg, tracer.traceMasterStartReady)
traceMasterStartReady_Attach(, tracer.traceMasterStartReady)
wg.Go(func() error {
......@@ -937,7 +944,7 @@ func benchmarkGetObject(b *testing.B, Mnet, Snet, Cnet xnet.Networker, benchit f
// determing M serving address XXX better with M api
ev := tracer.Recv()
ev := cG.Recv()
mnode, ok := ev.Event.(*eventNodeTab)
if !ok {
b.Fatal("after M start: got %T ; want eventNodeTab", ev.Event)
......@@ -951,15 +958,15 @@ func benchmarkGetObject(b *testing.B, Mnet, Snet, Cnet xnet.Networker, benchit f
// now after we know Maddr create S & C and start S serving
S := NewStorage("abc1", Maddr, "", Snet, zstor)
C := client.NewClient("abc1", Maddr, Cnet)
C := NewClient("abc1", Maddr, Cnet)
wg.Go(func() error {
return S.Run(ctx)
// command M to start
tc.Expect(masterStartReady(M, true)) // <- XXX better with M api
tG.Expect(masterStartReady("m", true)) // <- XXX better with M api
err := M.Start()
if err != nil {
......@@ -1043,4 +1050,3 @@ func BenchmarkGetObjectTCPloParallel(b *testing.B) {
net := xnet.NetPlain("tcp")
benchmarkGetObjectParallel(b, net, net, net)
......@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
// See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
// See for rationale and options.
// Package tsync provides infrastructure for synchronous testing based on program tracing.
// XXX naming -> ttest? tracetest? synctest?
// Package tracetest provides infrastructure for testing concurrent systems
// based on synchronous events tracing.
// A serial system can be verified by checking that its execution produces
// expected serial stream of events. But concurrent systems cannot be verified
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
// However in a concurrent system one can decompose all events into serial
// streams in which events are strictly ordered by causality with respect to
// each other. This decomposition in turn allows to verify that in every stream
// events were as expected.
// events happenned as expected.
// Verification of events for all streams can be done by one *sequential*
// process:
......@@ -44,12 +44,37 @@
// causality (i.e. there is some happens-before relation for them) the
// sequence of checking should represent that ordering relation.
// The package should be used as follows:
// - implement tracer that will be synchronously collecting events from
// execution of your program. This can be done with package
// or by other similar means.
// the tracer have to output events to dispatcher (see below).
// - implement router that will be making decisions specific to your
// particular testing scenario on to which stream an event should belong.
// the router will be consulted by dispatcher (see below) for its working.
// - create Dispatcher. This is the central place where events are
// delivered from tracer and are further delivered in accordance to what
// router says.
// - for every serial stream of events create synchronous delivery channel
// (SyncChan) and event Checker. XXX
// XXX more text describing how to use the package.
// XXX say that checker will detect deadlock if there is no event or it or
// another comes at different trace channel.
// XXX (if tested system is serial only there is no need to use Dispatcher and
// routing - the collector can send output directly to the only SyncChan with
// only one EventChecker connected to it).
package tsync
package tracetest
import (
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