Commit 311df9f1 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

golang.pyx: Rename moved channel bits * -> py*

To denote that this function/classes work at Python level:

    - chan    -> pychan
    - select  -> pyselect
    - default -> pydefault
    - nilchan -> pynilchan
parent 83259a1b
......@@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ def defer(f):
from ._golang import \
pygo as go, \
chan, \
select, \
default, \
nilchan, \
pychan as chan, \
pyselect as select, \
pydefault as default, \
pynilchan as nilchan, \
_PanicError, \
pypanic as panic
......@@ -252,8 +252,8 @@ def _dequeWaiter(queue):
return None
# chan is a channel with Go semantic.
class chan(object):
# pychan is Python channel with Go semantic.
class pychan(object):
# ._cap channel capacity
# ._mu lock
# ._dataq deque *: data buffer
......@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ class chan(object):
# .send(obj)
def send(self, obj):
if self is nilchan:
if self is pynilchan:
......@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ class chan(object):
# .recv_() -> (rx, ok)
def recv_(self):
if self is nilchan:
if self is pynilchan:
......@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ class chan(object):
# close closes sending side of the channel.
def close(self):
if self is nilchan:
if self is pynilchan:
pypanic("close of nil channel")
recvv = []
......@@ -437,32 +437,32 @@ class chan(object):
return len(self._dataq)
def __repr__(self):
if self is nilchan:
if self is pynilchan:
return "nilchan"
return super(chan, self).__repr__()
return super(pychan, self).__repr__()
# nilchan is the nil channel.
# pynilchan is the nil py channel.
# On nil channel: send/recv block forever; close panics.
nilchan = chan(None) # TODO -> <chan*>(NULL) after move to Cython
pynilchan = pychan(None) # TODO -> <chan*>(NULL) after move to Cython
# default represents default case for select.
default = object()
# pydefault represents default case for pyselect.
pydefault = object()
# unbound chan.{send,recv,recv_}
_chan_send = chan.send
_chan_recv = chan.recv
_chan_recv_ = chan.recv_
# unbound pychan.{send,recv,recv_}
_pychan_send = pychan.send
_pychan_recv = pychan.recv
_pychan_recv_ = pychan.recv_
if six.PY2:
# on py3 class.func gets the func; on py2 - unbound_method(func)
_chan_send = _chan_send.__func__
_chan_recv = _chan_recv.__func__
_chan_recv_ = _chan_recv_.__func__
_pychan_send = _pychan_send.__func__
_pychan_recv = _pychan_recv.__func__
_pychan_recv_ = _pychan_recv_.__func__
# select executes one ready send or receive channel case.
# pyselect executes one ready send or receive channel case.
# if no case is ready and default case was provided, select chooses default.
# if no case is ready and default was not provided, select blocks until one case becomes ready.
......@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ if six.PY2:
# if _ == 3:
# # default case
# ...
def select(*casev):
def pyselect(*casev):
# select promise: if multiple cases are ready - one will be selected randomly
ncasev = list(enumerate(casev))
......@@ -500,21 +500,21 @@ def select(*casev):
ndefault = None
for (n, case) in ncasev:
# default: remember we have it
if case is default:
if case is pydefault:
if ndefault is not None:
pypanic("select: multiple default")
pypanic("pyselect: multiple default")
ndefault = n
# send
elif isinstance(case, tuple):
send, tx = case
if im_class(send) is not chan:
pypanic("select: send on non-chan: %r" % (im_class(send),))
if send.__func__ is not _chan_send:
pypanic("select: send expected: %r" % (send,))
if im_class(send) is not pychan:
pypanic("pyselect: send on non-chan: %r" % (im_class(send),))
if send.__func__ is not _pychan_send:
pypanic("pyselect: send expected: %r" % (send,))
ch = send.__self__
if ch is not nilchan: # nil chan is never ready
if ch is not pynilchan: # nil chan is never ready
if 1:
ok = ch._trysend(tx)
......@@ -527,17 +527,17 @@ def select(*casev):
# recv
recv = case
if im_class(recv) is not chan:
pypanic("select: recv on non-chan: %r" % (im_class(recv),))
if recv.__func__ is _chan_recv:
if im_class(recv) is not pychan:
pypanic("pyselect: recv on non-chan: %r" % (im_class(recv),))
if recv.__func__ is _pychan_recv:
commaok = False
elif recv.__func__ is _chan_recv_:
elif recv.__func__ is _pychan_recv_:
commaok = True
pypanic("select: recv expected: %r" % (recv,))
pypanic("pyselect: recv expected: %r" % (recv,))
ch = recv.__self__
if ch is not nilchan: # nil chan is never ready
if ch is not pynilchan: # nil chan is never ready
if 1:
rx_, ok = ch._tryrecv()
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ from six.moves import range as xrange
import gc, weakref
import golang
from golang._golang import _chan_recv, _chan_send
from golang._golang import _pychan_recv, _pychan_send
from golang._pycompat import im_class
# pyx/c/c++ tests -> test_pyx_*
......@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ def waitBlocked(chanop):
panic("wait blocked: %r is method of a non-chan: %r" % (chanop, im_class(chanop)))
ch = chanop.__self__
recv = send = False
if chanop.__func__ is _chan_recv:
if chanop.__func__ is _pychan_recv:
recv = True
elif chanop.__func__ is _chan_send:
elif chanop.__func__ is _pychan_send:
send = True
panic("wait blocked: unexpected chan method: %r" % (chanop,))
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