"CHANGES.rst" did not exist on "f1a9a52ee6edd6f831302b2f01aaf917b917f3c0"
Commit 91491325 authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki

version up eggs.

parent e51506eb
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ ZODB3 = 3.10.7
# Required by slapos.toolbox = 0.59
slapos.toolbox = 0.59
PyRSS2Gen = 1.1
apache-libcloud = 1.1.0
apache-libcloud = 1.2.1
atomize = 0.2.0
dnspython = 1.14.0
ecdsa = 0.13
......@@ -8,27 +8,28 @@ extends = common.cfg
Flask-Auth = 0.85
PyRSS2Gen = 1.1
apache-libcloud = 0.20.1
apache-libcloud = 1.2.1
cns.recipe.symlink = 0.2.3
collective.recipe.environment = 0.2.0
ecdsa = 0.13
erp5.util = 0.4.46
futures = 3.0.5
gitdb = 0.6.4
gunicorn = 19.5.0
gunicorn = 19.6.0
prettytable = 0.7.2
pycrypto = 2.6.1
pycurl = 7.43.0
slapos.recipe.template = 2.9
slapos.toolbox = 0.59
smmap = 0.9.0
# Required by:
# slapos.toolbox = 0.59
# slapos.toolbox==0.59
GitPython = 2.0.8
# Required by:
# slapos.toolbox = 0.59
# slapos.toolbox==0.59
PyRSS2Gen = 1.1
# Required by:
# slapos.toolbox==0.59
atomize = 0.2.0
# Required by:
......@@ -36,21 +37,21 @@ atomize = 0.2.0
dnspython = 1.14.0
# Required by:
# slapos.toolbox = 0.59
feedparser = 5.2.1
# slapos.toolbox==0.59
erp5.util = 0.4.46
# Required by:
# slapos.toolbox = 0.59
lockfile = 0.12.2
# slapos.toolbox==0.59
feedparser = 5.2.1
# Required by:
# slapos.toolbox = 0.59
paramiko = 2.0.1
# slapos.toolbox==0.59
lockfile = 0.12.2
# Required by:
# slapos.toolbox = 0.59
passlib = 1.6.5
# slapos.toolbox==0.59
paramiko = 2.0.2
# Required by:
# slapos.toolbox==0.59
pycurl = 7.43.0
passlib = 1.6.5
......@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ Products.CMFActionIcons = 2.1.3
Products.DCWorkflowGraph = 0.4.1
# Products.ExternalEditor 2.0.0's dtml is not based on Zope2 OFS's one.
Products.ExternalEditor = 1.1.1
Products.GenericSetup = 1.8.3
Products.GenericSetup = 1.8.4
Products.LongRequestLogger = 2.0.0
Products.MimetypesRegistry = 2.0.10
Products.PloneHotfix20160830 = 1.3
......@@ -705,9 +705,9 @@ ipywidgets = 5.2.2
logilab-common = 1.2.2
matplotlib = 1.5.3
mistune = 0.7.3
notebook = 4.2.2
notebook = 4.2.3
numpy = 1.11.1
objgraph = 3.0.0
objgraph = 3.0.1
pandas = 0.18.1
ply = 3.9
polib = 1.0.7
......@@ -724,8 +724,8 @@ pyzmq = 15.4.0
qrcode = 5.3
restkit = 4.2.2
rtjp-eventlet = 0.3.2
scikit-learn = 0.17.1
scipy = 0.18.0
scikit-learn = 0.18
scipy = 0.18.1
simplegeneric = 0.8.1
socketpool = 0.5.3
spyne = 2.12.13
......@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ terminado = 0.6
threadframe = 0.2
timerserver = 2.0.2
tornado = 4.4.1
traitlets = 4.3.0
traitlets = 4.3.1
urlnorm = 1.1.4
uuid = 1.30
validictory = 1.0.2
......@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ backports.ssl-match-hostname =
# Required by:
# tornado==4.4.1
certifi = 2016.8.31
certifi = 2016.9.26
# Required by:
# matplotlib==1.5.3
......@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ cycler = 0.10.0
# Required by:
# ipython==5.1.0
# traitlets==4.3.0
# traitlets==4.3.1
decorator = 4.0.10
# Required by:
......@@ -773,18 +773,18 @@ fpconst = 0.7.2
# Required by:
# nbformat==4.1.0
# notebook==4.2.2
# traitlets==4.3.0
# notebook==4.2.3
# traitlets==4.3.1
ipython-genutils = 0.1.0
# Required by:
# notebook==4.2.2
# notebook==4.2.3
# nbconvert 4.2.0 depends on entrypoints egg that is not available as tar/zip source.
nbconvert = 4.1.0
# Required by:
# nbconvert==4.1.0
# notebook==4.2.2
# notebook==4.2.3
nbformat = 4.1.0
# Required by:
......@@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ Jinja2 = 2.8
PyYAML = 3.12
Werkzeug = 0.11.11
buildout-versions = 1.7
cffi = 1.8.2
cffi = 1.8.3
click = 6.6
cliff = 2.2.0
cmd2 = 0.6.8
collective.recipe.template = 1.13
cryptography = 1.5
cryptography = 1.5.2
decorator = 4.0.10
idna = 2.1
inotifyx = 0.2.2
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Flask = 0.11.1
MarkupSafe = 0.23
# Required by:
# cryptography==1.5
# cryptography==1.5.2
enum34 = 1.1.6
# Required by:
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ enum34 = 1.1.6
functools32 = 3.2.3.post2
# Required by:
# cryptography==1.5
# cryptography==1.5.2
ipaddress = 1.0.17
# Required by:
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ lock-file = 2.0
netifaces = 0.10.4
# Required by:
# cffi==1.8.2
# cffi==1.8.3
pycparser = 2.14
# Required by:
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