Commit d29ece87 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

software/ors-amarisoft: Push SSH server code into ru/lopcomm/


- ssh server is needed for and used by ru/lopcomm/ only
- in general we will need to initialize and setup radio units not only in eNB -
  for example UEsim will use the same code library to initialize radio units.
  Thus the proper place to keep everything required for RU to be operational have to
  be located inside ru/ and activated by that radio-units library.

/cc @lu.xu, @tomo, @xavier_thompson, @Daetalus
/reviewed-by @jhuge
/reviewed-on nexedi/slapos!1510
parent 055bdf14
......@@ -32,19 +32,19 @@ md5sum = ab666fdfadbfc7d8a16ace38d295c883
_update_hash_filename_ = ru/libinstance.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = 6febf4dc601ba5feb30aa402f37265cf
md5sum = 045c8dc5fb7f81b1a03f0e7f589166b4
_update_hash_filename_ = ru/sdr/libinstance.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = c20b620111a4dc4bc2bcae57c2007cbe
md5sum = de71c63b8df940207409de7e948f7c8c
_update_hash_filename_ = ru/lopcomm/libinstance.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = abce2deca15b8d7a8c5378e0789f8ce7
md5sum = b2af1e70141216a4db07cca655aa63a7
_update_hash_filename_ = ru/sunwave/libinstance.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = 0450e9fa50844e4d6e51d608625c57f6
md5sum = c855ee7a6132899eb53b8d80ec27701a
_update_hash_filename_ = ru/lopcomm/
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ md5sum = 52da9fe3a569199e35ad89ae1a44c30e
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-enb.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = 3b380ac8a44aafc30cc6d87b35860fd6
md5sum = fe76f78a7c10d4e6080f12d139a40f32
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-gnb.jinja2.cfg
......@@ -9,11 +9,6 @@ parts =
{% endif %}
{% if ru == "lopcomm" %}
{% endif %}
......@@ -225,65 +220,6 @@ mode = 0775
hash-files =
recipe = slapos.cookbook:userinfo
# Deploy openssh-server
recipe = slapos.cookbook:free_port
minimum = 22222
maximum = 22231
ip = ${slap-configuration:ipv6-random}
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
output = ${directory:etc}/sshd.conf
path_pid = ${directory:run}/
inline =
PidFile ${:path_pid}
Port ${sshd-port:port}
ListenAddress ${slap-configuration:ipv6-random}
Protocol 2
HostKey ${sshd-ssh-host-rsa-key:output}
HostKey ${sshd-ssh-host-ecdsa-key:output}
PasswordAuthentication no
PubkeyAuthentication yes
HostKeyAlgorithms ssh-rsa,ssh-dss,rsa-sha2-512,rsa-sha2-256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
AuthorizedKeysFile ${buildout:directory}/.ssh/authorized_keys
Subsystem sftp {{ openssh_location }}/libexec/sftp-server
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
command-line = {{ openssh_location }}/sbin/sshd -D -e -f ${sshd-config:output}
wrapper-path = ${directory:service}/sshd
hash-files = ${sshd-config:output}
environment =
recipe = slapos.cookbook:dropbear.add_authorized_key
home = ${buildout:directory}
key = {{ slapparameter_dict.get("user-authorized-key", '') }}
recipe = plone.recipe.command
output = ${directory:etc}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
command = {{ openssh_output_keygen }} -f ${:output} -N '' ${:extra-args}
extra-args=-t rsa
extra-args=-t ecdsa -b 521
<= monitor-promise-base
promise = check_socket_listening
name =
config-host = ${slap-configuration:ipv6-random}
config-port = ${sshd-port:port}
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
extensions =
......@@ -351,12 +287,6 @@ current-earfcn = {{ ors_version['current-earfcn'] }}
amarisoft-version = {{ lte_version }}
license-expiration = {{ lte_expiration }}
monitor-gadget-url = ${:monitor-base-url}/gadget/software.cfg.html
{% if ru == "lopcomm" %}
ssh-command = ssh ${user-info:pw-name}@${slap-configuration:ipv6-random} -p ${sshd-port:port}
ssh-url = ssh://${user-info:pw-name}@[${slap-configuration:ipv6-random}]:${sshd-port:port}
ru-firmware = {{ru_lopcomm_firmware_filename}}
ru-ipv6 = ${slap-configuration:tap-ipv6-gateway}
{% endif %}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get("name", None) %}
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
{%- import 'slaplte.jinja2' as slaplte with context %}
NOTE: driver-specific logic is implemented in rudrv.buildout_ru() .
NOTE: driver-specific logic is implemented in rudrv .buildout_ru() and .buildout() .
{#- cell_list keeps cell registry #}
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ config-stats-period = {{ slapparameter_dict.get("enb_stats_fetch_period", 60) }}
{%- set rudrv_dict = namespace(sdr=rudrv_sdr,
sunwave=rudrv_sunwave) %}
{%- set rudrv_init = {} %}
{#- split slapos tap interface for each RU
fallback to non-split approach for ntap <= 1 to avoid hard-dependecy on setcap/tapsplit
......@@ -185,6 +186,10 @@ config-amarisoft-stats-log = ${amarisoft-stats-template:log-output}
config-max-rx-sample-db = {{ slapparameter_dict.get("max_rx_sample_db", 0) }}
{#- driver-specific part #}
{%- if not rudrv_init.get(ru_type) %}
{{ rudrv.buildout() }}
{%- do rudrv_init.update({ru_type: 1}) %}
{%- endif %}
{{ rudrv.buildout_ru(ru_ref, cell) }}
{%- endfor %}
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ extensions =
_logbase = ${directory:var}/log/{{ru_ref}}-software
log-output = ${:_logbase}.log
software-reply-json-log-output = ${:_logbase}-reply.json.log
remote-file-path = sftp://${user-info:pw-name}@[${slap-configuration:ipv6-random}]:${sshd-port:port}{{ru_lopcomm_firmware_path}}
remote-file-path = sftp://${user-info:pw-name}@[${sshd-service:ipv6}]:${sshd-service:port}{{ru_lopcomm_firmware_path}}
is_firmware_updated = ${directory:etc}/{{ru_ref}}.is_firmware_updated
context =
section directory directory
......@@ -214,4 +214,77 @@ hash-files =
{%- endif %}
{#- amend published information with Lopcomm-specific bits
TODO make it per-RU #}
ssh-command = ssh ${user-info:pw-name}@${sshd-service:ipv6} -p ${sshd-service:port}
ssh-url = ssh://${user-info:pw-name}@[${sshd-service:ipv6}]:${sshd-service:port}
ru-firmware = {{ru_lopcomm_firmware_filename}}
ru-ipv6 = ${slap-configuration:tap-ipv6-gateway}
{%- endmacro %}
{%- macro buildout() %}
# deploy openssh-server for software upgrade
recipe = slapos.cookbook:userinfo
recipe = slapos.cookbook:free_port
minimum = 22222
maximum = 22231
ip = ${slap-configuration:ipv6-random}
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
output = ${directory:etc}/sshd.conf
path_pid = ${directory:run}/
inline =
PidFile ${:path_pid}
Port ${sshd-port:port}
ListenAddress ${sshd-port:ip}
Protocol 2
HostKey ${sshd-ssh-host-rsa-key:output}
HostKey ${sshd-ssh-host-ecdsa-key:output}
PasswordAuthentication no
PubkeyAuthentication yes
HostKeyAlgorithms ssh-rsa,ssh-dss,rsa-sha2-512,rsa-sha2-256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
AuthorizedKeysFile ${buildout:directory}/.ssh/authorized_keys
Subsystem sftp {{ openssh_location }}/libexec/sftp-server
{{ part('sshd-service') }}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
command-line = {{ openssh_location }}/sbin/sshd -D -e -f ${sshd-config:output}
wrapper-path = ${directory:service}/sshd
hash-files = ${sshd-config:output}
environment =
ipv6 = ${sshd-port:ip}
port = ${sshd-port:port}
{{ part('sshd-add-authorized-key') }}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:dropbear.add_authorized_key
home = ${buildout:directory}
key = {{ slapparameter_dict.get("user-authorized-key", '') }}
recipe = plone.recipe.command
output = ${directory:etc}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
command = {{ openssh_output_keygen }} -f ${:output} -N '' ${:extra-args}
extra-args=-t rsa
extra-args=-t ecdsa -b 521
{{ promise('sshd') }}
promise = check_socket_listening
config-host = ${sshd-service:ipv6}
config-port = ${sshd-service:port}
{%- endmacro %}
......@@ -3,3 +3,7 @@
{%- macro buildout_ru(ru_ref, cell) %}
{#- nothing SDR-specific #}
{%- endmacro %}
{%- macro buildout() %}
{#- nothing SDR-specific #}
{%- endmacro %}
......@@ -3,3 +3,7 @@
{%- macro buildout_ru(ru_ref, cell) %}
{#- nothing SunWave-specific #}
{%- endmacro %}
{%- macro buildout() %}
{#- nothing SunWave-specific #}
{%- endmacro %}
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