• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    bigfile/py/loadblk: Replace pybuf with a stub object in calling frame in case it stays alive · 61b18a40
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    It turns out some code wants to store tracebacks e.g. for further
    logging/whatever. This way GC won't help to free up references to pybuf.
    However if pybuf remain referenced only from calling frames, we can
    change there reference to pybuf to a stub object "<pybuf>" and this way
    remove the reference.
    With added test but without loadblk changes the failure would be as:
        pybigfile_loadblk WARN: pybuf->ob_refcnt != 1 even after GC:
        pybuf (ob_refcnt=2):    <read-write buffer ptr 0x7fae4911f000, size 2097152 at 0x7fae4998cef0>
        pybuf referrers:        [<frame object at 0x556daff41aa0>]		<-- NOTE
        bigfile/_bigfile.c:613 pybigfile_loadblk        BUG!
test_basic.py 8.91 KB