• Tristan Cavelier's avatar
    [erp5_web_renderjs_ui] Add "Equal to (at least one)" operator in filter editor · 3cd1b20e
    Tristan Cavelier authored
    - the "Equal to (at least one)" operator is displayed in the same listbox as "Equal to" and "Contains" ;
    - this filter item can have multiple input value field ;
    - one input value field has to be filled (required) like on the other filter items ;
    - when extended_search is `title: ( "One" OR "Two" )`, behavior changed :
        ________before________  ______________now______________
             Filter Editor               Filter Editor
        [ At least one (OR) v]  [ All criterions (AND)______ v]
        [-][ Title_________ v]  [-][ Title__________________ v]
           [ Equal to______ v]     [ Equal to (at least one) v]
           [ One___________ x]     [ One____________________ x]
        [-][ Title_________ v]     [ Two____________________ x]
           [ Equal to______ v]     [ _______________________  ]
           [ Two___________ x]  [+]
             Search bar                  Search bar
        [One][Two][ _______  ]  [One][Two][ ________________  ]
Zuite_CommonTemplateForRenderjsUi.zpt 63.1 KB