trigger-build-docs 2.1 KB
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'gitlab'

# Give the remote branch a different name than the current one
# in order to avoid conflicts
@docs_branch = "#{ENV["CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG"]}-built-from-ce-ee"
GITLAB_DOCS_REPO = 'gitlab-com/gitlab-docs'

# Configure credentials to be used with gitlab gem
Gitlab.configure do |config|
  config.endpoint       = ''
  config.private_token  = ENV["DOCS_API_TOKEN"]  # GitLab Docs bot access token which has only Developer access to gitlab-docs

# Dummy way to find out in which repo we are, CE or EE
def is_ee?

# Create a remote branch in gitlab-docs
def create_remote_branch
  Gitlab.create_branch(GITLAB_DOCS_REPO, @docs_branch, 'master')
  puts "Remote branch '#{@docs_branch}' created"
rescue Gitlab::Error::BadRequest => e
  puts "Remote branch '#{@docs_branch}' already exists"

# Remove a remote branch in gitlab-docs
def remove_remote_branch
  Gitlab.delete_branch(GITLAB_DOCS_REPO, @docs_branch)
  puts "Remote branch '#{@docs_branch}' deleted"

# Trigger a pipeline in gitlab-docs
def trigger_pipeline
  # Overriding vars in
  param_name = is_ee? ? 'BRANCH_EE' : 'BRANCH_CE'

  # The review app URL
  app_url = "http://#{@docs_branch}.#{ENV["DOCS_REVIEW_APPS_DOMAIN"]}/#{is_ee? ? 'ee' : 'ce'}"

  # Create the pipeline
  puts "=> Triggering a pipeline..."
  pipeline = Gitlab.run_trigger(GITLAB_DOCS_REPO, ENV["DOCS_TRIGGER_TOKEN"], @docs_branch, { param_name => ENV["CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME"] })

  puts "=> Pipeline created:"
  puts ""
  puts "{}"
  puts ""
  puts "=> Preview your changes live at:"
  puts ""
  puts app_url
  puts ""

# When the first argument is deploy then create the branch and trigger pipeline
# When it is 'stop', it deleted the remote branch. That way, we ensure there
# are no stale remote branches and the Review server doesn't fill.
case ARGV[0]
when 'deploy'
when 'cleanup'