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# Introduction to environments and deployments

> Introduced in GitLab 8.9.

During the development of software, there can be many stages until it's ready
6 7 8 9 10
for public consumption. You sure want to first test your code and then deploy it
in a testing or staging environment before you release it to the public. That
way you can prevent bugs not only in your software, but in the deployment
process as well.

11 12 13 14
GitLab CI is capable of not only testing or building your projects, but also
deploying them in your infrastructure, with the added benefit of giving you a
way to track your deployments. In other words, you can always know what is
currently being deployed or has been deployed on your servers.
15 16 17

## Overview

18 19
With environments, you can control the Continuous Deployment of your software
all within GitLab. All you need to do is define them in your project's
20 21 22 23
[`.gitlab-ci.yml`][yaml] as we will explore below. GitLab provides a full
history of your deployments per every environment.

Environments are like tags for your CI jobs, describing where code gets deployed.
24 25 26
Deployments are created when [jobs] deploy versions of code to environments,
so every environment can have one or more deployments. GitLab keeps track of
your deployments, so you always know what is currently being deployed on your
27 28
servers. If you have a deployment service such as [Kubernetes][kubernetes-service]
enabled for your project, you can use it to assist with your deployments, and
can even access a web terminal for your environment from within GitLab!

31 32 33
To better understand how environments and deployments work, let's consider an
example. We assume that you have already created a project in GitLab and set up
a Runner. The example will cover the following:

35 36 37 38
- We are developing an application
- We want to run tests and build our app on all branches
- Our default branch is `master`
- We deploy the app only when a pipeline on `master` branch is run

Let's see how it all ties together.

## Defining environments

Let's consider the following `.gitlab-ci.yml` example:

46 47 48 49 50
  - test
  - build
  - deploy

52 53 54
  stage: test
  script: echo "Running tests"

56 57 58
  stage: build
  script: echo "Building the app"

60 61 62
  stage: deploy
    - echo "Deploy to staging server"
65 66
    name: staging
    url: https://staging.example.com
67 68 69
  - master

We have defined 3 [stages](yaml/README.md#stages):

73 74 75
- test
- build
- deploy

The jobs assigned to these stages will run in this order. If a job fails, then
the jobs that are assigned to the next stage won't run, rendering the pipeline
79 80 81 82
as failed. In our case, the `test` job will run first, then the `build` and
lastly the `deploy_staging`. With this, we ensure that first the tests pass,
then our app is able to be built successfully, and lastly we deploy to the
staging server.

84 85 86 87 88 89
The `environment` keyword is just a hint for GitLab that this job actually
deploys to this environment's `name`. It can also have a `url` which, as we
will later see, is exposed in various places within GitLab. Each time a job that
has an environment specified and succeeds, a deployment is recorded, remembering
the Git SHA and environment name.

90 91 92 93 94 95 96
Starting with GitLab 8.15, the environment name is exposed to the Runner in
two forms: `$CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME`, and `$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG`. The first is
the name given in `.gitlab-ci.yml` (with any variables expanded), while the
second is a "cleaned-up" version of the name, suitable for use in URLs, DNS,

97 98 99 100 101 102
Starting with GitLab 9.3, the environment URL is exposed to the Runner via
`$CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL`. The URL would be expanded from `.gitlab-ci.yml`, or if
the URL was not defined there, the external URL from the environment would be

To sum up, with the above `.gitlab-ci.yml` we have achieved that:

- All branches will run the `test` and `build` jobs.
106 107 108
- The `deploy_staging` job will run [only](yaml/README.md#only) on the `master`
  branch which means all merge requests that are created from branches don't
  get to deploy to the staging server
109 110 111
- When a merge request is merged, all jobs will run and the `deploy_staging`
  in particular will deploy our code to a staging server while the deployment
  will be recorded in an environment named `staging`.

113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
Let's now see how that information is exposed within GitLab.

## Viewing the current status of an environment

The environment list under your project's **Pipelines ➔ Environments**, is
where you can find information of the last deployment status of an environment.

Here's how the Environments page looks so far.
121 122 123

![Staging environment view](img/environments_available_staging.png)

124 125 126 127
There's a bunch of information there, specifically you can see:

- The environment's name with a link to its deployments
- The last deployment ID number and who performed it
- The job ID of the last deployment with its respective job name
129 130 131 132 133 134 135
- The commit information of the last deployment such as who committed, to what
  branch and the Git SHA of the commit
- The exact time the last deployment was performed
- A button that takes you to the URL that you have defined under the
  `environment` keyword in `.gitlab-ci.yml`
- A button that re-deploys the latest deployment, meaning it runs the job
  defined by the environment name for that specific commit
136 137 138 139 140 141 142

- While you can create environments manually in the web interface, we recommend
  that you define your environments in `.gitlab-ci.yml` first. They will
  be automatically created for you after the first deploy.
- The environments page can only be viewed by Reporters and above. For more
  information on the permissions, see the [permissions documentation][permissions].
143 144
- Only deploys that happen after your `.gitlab-ci.yml` is properly configured
  will show up in the "Environment" and "Last deployment" lists.

146 147 148
The information shown in the Environments page is limited to the latest
deployments, but as you may have guessed an environment can have multiple

## Viewing the deployment history of an environment

GitLab keeps track of your deployments, so you always know what is currently
153 154 155 156 157 158
being deployed on your servers. That way you can have the full history of your
deployments per every environment right in your browser. Clicking on an
environment will show the history of its deployments. Assuming you have deployed
multiple times already, here's how a specific environment's page looks like.


160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171
We can see the same information as when in the Environments page, but this time
all deployments are shown. As you may have noticed, apart from the **Re-deploy**
button there are now **Rollback** buttons for each deployment. Let's see how
that works.

## Rolling back changes

You can't control everything, so sometimes things go wrong. When that unfortunate
time comes GitLab has you covered. Simply by clicking the **Rollback** button
that can be found in the deployments page
(**Pipelines ➔ Environments ➔ `environment name`**) you can relaunch the
job with the commit associated with it.
172 173

Bear in mind that your mileage will vary and it's entirely up to how you define
175 176 177 178 179 180
the deployment process in the job's `script` whether the rollback succeeds or not.
GitLab CI is just following orders.

Thankfully that was the staging server that we had to rollback, and since we
learn from our mistakes, we decided to not make the same again when we deploy
to the production server. Enter manual actions for deployments.
181 182 183

## Manually deploying to environments

184 185 186 187 188
Turning a job from running automatically to a manual action is as simple as
adding `when: manual` to it. To expand on our previous example, let's add
another job that this time deploys our app to a production server and is
tracked by a `production` environment. The `.gitlab-ci.yml` looks like this
so far:

190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227
  - test
  - build
  - deploy

  stage: test
  script: echo "Running tests"

  stage: build
  script: echo "Building the app"

  stage: deploy
    - echo "Deploy to staging server"
    name: staging
    url: https://staging.example.com
  - master

  stage: deploy
    - echo "Deploy to production server"
    name: production
    url: https://example.com
  when: manual
  - master

The `when: manual` action exposes a play button in GitLab's UI and the
`deploy_prod` job will only be triggered if and when we click that play button.
You can find it in the pipeline, job, environment, and deployment views.

| Pipelines | Single pipeline | Environments | Deployments | jobs |
231 232 233 234 235 236 237
| --------- | ----------------| ------------ | ----------- | -------|
| ![Pipelines manual action](img/environments_manual_action_pipelines.png) | ![Pipelines manual action](img/environments_manual_action_single_pipeline.png) | ![Environments manual action](img/environments_manual_action_environments.png) | ![Deployments manual action](img/environments_manual_action_deployments.png) | ![Builds manual action](img/environments_manual_action_builds.png) |

Clicking on the play button in either of these places will trigger the
`deploy_prod` job, and the deployment will be recorded under a new
environment named `production`.

238 239 240 241 242
Remember that if your environment's name is `production` (all lowercase), then
it will get recorded in [Cycle Analytics](../user/project/cycle_analytics.md).
Double the benefit!

## Web terminals
244 245

Web terminals were added in GitLab 8.15 and are only available to project
247 248 249
masters and owners.

If you deploy to your environments with the help of a deployment service (e.g.,
the [Kubernetes service][kubernetes-service], GitLab can open
251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271
a terminal session to your environment! This is a very powerful feature that
allows you to debug issues without leaving the comfort of your web browser. To
enable it, just follow the instructions given in the service documentation.

Once enabled, your environments will gain a "terminal" button:

![Terminal button on environment index](img/environments_terminal_button_on_index.png)

You can also access the terminal button from the page for a specific environment:

![Terminal button for an environment](img/environments_terminal_button_on_show.png)

Wherever you find it, clicking the button will take you to a separate page to
establish the terminal session:

![Terminal page](img/environments_terminal_page.png)

This works just like any other terminal - you'll be in the container created
by your deployment, so you can run shell commands and get responses in real
time, check the logs, try out configuration or code tweaks, etc. You can open
multiple terminals to the same environment - they each get their own shell
session -  and even a multiplexer like `screen` or `tmux`!
273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282

Container-based deployments often lack basic tools (like an editor), and may
be stopped or restarted at any time. If this happens, you will lose all your
changes! Treat this as a debugging tool, not a comprehensive online IDE. You
can use [Koding](../administration/integration/koding.md) for online


283 284 285 286
While this is fine for deploying to some stable environments like staging or
production, what happens for branches? So far we haven't defined anything
regarding deployments for branches other than `master`. Dynamic environments
will help us achieve that.
287 288 289 290

## Dynamic environments

As the name suggests, it is possible to create environments on the fly by just
declaring their names dynamically in `.gitlab-ci.yml`. Dynamic environments is
ebuildy's avatar
ebuildy committed
the basis of [Review apps](review_apps/index.md).
293 294

GitLab Runner exposes various [environment variables][variables] when a job runs,
295 296
and as such, you can use them as environment names. Let's add another job in
our example which will deploy to all branches except `master`:

298 299 300 301 302 303
  stage: deploy
    - echo "Deploy a review app"
    name: review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
    url: https://$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG.example.com
306 307 308 309
    - branches
    - master
311 312 313 314

Let's break it down in pieces. The job's name is `deploy_review` and it runs
on the `deploy` stage. The `script` at this point is fictional, you'd have to
use your own based on your deployment. Then, we set the `environment` with the
`environment:name` being `review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME`. Now that's an interesting
Nick Thomas's avatar
Nick Thomas committed
316 317
one. Since the [environment name][env-name] can contain slashes (`/`), we can
use this pattern to distinguish between dynamic environments and the regular
318 319

320 321
So, the first part is `review`, followed by a `/` and then `$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME`
which takes the value of the branch name. Since `$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME` itself may
Nick Thomas's avatar
Nick Thomas committed
also contain `/`, or other characters that would be invalid in a domain name or
323 324
URL, we use `$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG` in the `environment:url` so that the
environment can get a specific and distinct URL for each branch. In this case,
given a `$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME` of `100-Do-The-Thing`, the URL will be something
like `https://100-do-the-4f99a2.example.com`. Again, the way you set up
327 328
the web server to serve these requests is based on your setup.

329 330
You could also use `$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG` in `environment:url`, e.g.:
`https://$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG.example.com`. We use `$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG`
331 332 333
here because it is guaranteed to be unique, but if you're using a workflow like
[GitLab Flow][gitlab-flow], collisions are very unlikely, and you may prefer
environment names to be more closely based on the branch name - the example
above would give you an URL like `https://100-do-the-thing.example.com`
335 336 337 338 339

Last but not least, we tell the job to run [`only`][only] on branches
[`except`][only] master.

340 341 342
You are not bound to use the same prefix or only slashes in the dynamic
environments' names (`/`), but as we will see later, this will enable the
[grouping similar environments](#grouping-similar-environments) feature.
343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360

The whole `.gitlab-ci.yml` looks like this so far:

  - test
  - build
  - deploy

  stage: test
  script: echo "Running tests"

  stage: build
  script: echo "Building the app"

  stage: deploy
    - echo "Deploy a review app"
    name: review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
    url: https://$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG.example.com
367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391
    - branches
    - master

  stage: deploy
    - echo "Deploy to staging server"
    name: staging
    url: https://staging.example.com
  - master

  stage: deploy
    - echo "Deploy to production server"
    name: production
    url: https://example.com
  when: manual
  - master
392 393

394 395
A more realistic example would include copying files to a location where a
webserver (NGINX) could then read and serve. The example below will copy the
`public` directory to `/srv/nginx/$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG/public`:
397 398 399 400 401

  stage: deploy
    - rsync -av --delete public /srv/nginx/$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG
404 405
    name: review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
    url: https://$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG.example.com
406 407 408 409 410

It is assumed that the user has already setup NGINX and GitLab Runner in the
server this job will run on.

411 412
Be sure to check out the [limitations](#limitations) section for some edge
Nick Thomas's avatar
Nick Thomas committed
cases regarding naming of your branches and Review Apps.

415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427

The development workflow would now be:

- Developer creates a branch locally
- Developer makes changes, commits and pushes the branch to GitLab
- Developer creates a merge request

Behind the scenes:

- GitLab Runner picks up the changes and starts running the jobs
- The jobs run sequentially as defined in `stages`
  - First, the tests pass
  - Then, the job begins and successfully also passes
429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450
  - Lastly, the app is deployed to an environment with a name specific to the

So now, every branch gets its own environment and is deployed to its own place
with the added benefit of having a [history of deployments](#viewing-the-deployment-history-of-an-environment)
and also being able to [rollback changes](#rolling-back-changes) if needed.
Let's briefly see where URL that's defined in the environments is exposed.

## Making use of the environment URL

The environment URL is exposed in a few places within GitLab.

| In a merge request widget as a link | In the Environments view as a button | In the Deployments view as a button |
| -------------------- | ------------ | ----------- |
| ![Environment URL in merge request](img/environments_mr_review_app.png) | ![Environment URL in environments](img/environments_link_url.png) | ![Environment URL in deployments](img/environments_link_url_deployments.png) |

If a merge request is eventually merged to the default branch (in our case
`master`) and that branch also deploys to an environment (in our case `staging`
and/or `production`) you can see this information in the merge request itself.

![Environment URLs in merge request](img/environments_link_url_mr.png)

451 452
### <a name="route-map"></a>Go directly from source files to public pages on the environment

Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed

Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
454 455
> Introduced in GitLab 8.17.

Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
456 457 458 459 460 461
To go one step further, we can specify a Route Map to get GitLab to show us "View on [environment URL]" buttons to go directly from a file to that file's representation on the deployed website. It will be exposed in a few places:

| In the diff for a merge request, comparison or commit | In the file view |
| ------ | ------ |
| !["View on env" button in merge request diff](img/view_on_env_mr.png) | !["View on env" button in file view](img/view_on_env_blob.png) |

Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
To get this to work, you need to tell GitLab how the paths of files in your repository map to paths of pages on your website, using a Route Map.
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed

Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
A Route Map is a file inside the repository at `.gitlab/route-map.yml`, which contains a YAML array that maps `source` paths (in the repository) to `public` paths (on the website).
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
465 466 467 468

This is an example of a route map for [Middleman](https://middlemanapp.com) static websites like [http://about.gitlab.com](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com):

469 470 471 472
# Team data
- source: 'data/team.yml' # data/team.yml
  public: 'team/' # team/

Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487
# Blogposts
- source: /source\/posts\/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-(.+?)\..*/ # source/posts/2017-01-30-around-the-world-in-6-releases.html.md.erb
  public: '\1/\2/\3/\4/' # 2017/01/30/around-the-world-in-6-releases/

# HTML files
- source: /source\/(.+?\.html).*/ # source/index.html.haml
  public: '\1' # index.html

# Other files
- source: /source\/(.*)/ # source/images/blogimages/around-the-world-in-6-releases-cover.png
  public: '\1' # images/blogimages/around-the-world-in-6-releases-cover.png

Mappings are defined as entries in the root YAML array, and are identified by a `-` prefix. Within an entry, we have a hash map with two keys:

488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499
- `source`
    - a string, starting and ending with `'`, for an exact match
    - a regular expression, starting and ending with `/`, for a pattern match
      - The regular expression needs to match the entire source path - `^` and `$` anchors are implied.
      - Can include capture groups denoted by `()` that can be referred to in the `public` path.
      - Slashes (`/`) can, but don't have to, be escaped as `\/`.
      - Literal periods (`.`) should be escaped as `\.`.
- `public`
    - a string, starting and ending with `'`.
      - Can include `\N` expressions to refer to capture groups in the `source` regular expression in order of their occurence, starting with `\1`.

The public path for a source path is determined by finding the first `source` expression that matches it, and returning the corresponding `public` path, replacing the `\N` expressions with the values of the `()` capture groups if appropriate.
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
500 501 502

In the example above, the fact that mappings are evaluated in order of their definition is used to ensure that `source/index.html.haml` will match `/source\/(.+?\.html).*/` instead of `/source\/(.*)/`, and will result in a public path of `index.html`, instead of `index.html.haml`.

503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510

We now have a full development cycle, where our app is tested, built, deployed
as a Review app, deployed to a staging server once the merge request is merged,
and finally manually deployed to the production server. What we just described
is a single workflow, but imagine tens of developers working on a project
at the same time. They each push to their branches, and dynamic environments are
created all the time. In that case, we probably need to do some clean up. Read
next how environments can be stopped.

## Stopping an environment

515 516 517
By stopping an environment, you are effectively terminating its recording of the
deployments that happen in it.

518 519 520 521
A branch is associated with an environment when the CI pipeline that is created
for this branch, was recently deployed to this environment. You can think of
the CI pipeline as the glue between the branch and the environment:
`branch ➔ CI pipeline ➔ environment`.

There is a special case where environments can be manually stopped. That can
524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531
happen if you provide another job for that matter. The syntax is a little
tricky since a job calls another job to do the job.

Consider the following example where the `deploy_review` calls the `stop_review`
to clean up and stop the environment:

532 533
  stage: deploy
    - echo "Deploy a review app"
    name: review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
    url: https://$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG.example.com
    on_stop: stop_review
539 540 541 542
    - branches
    - master
543 544

  stage: deploy
546 547
    GIT_STRATEGY: none
548 549
    - echo "Remove review app"
550 551
  when: manual
    name: review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
553 554
    action: stop

556 557 558 559
Setting the [`GIT_STRATEGY`][git-strategy] to `none` is necessary on the
`stop_review` job so that the [GitLab Runner] won't try to checkout the code
after the branch is deleted.

560 561 562 563 564 565
Starting with GitLab 8.14, dynamic environments will be stopped automatically
when their associated branch is deleted.

When you have an environment that has a stop action defined (typically when
the environment describes a review app), GitLab will automatically trigger a
566 567 568
stop action when the associated branch is deleted. The `stop_review` job must
be in the same `stage` as the `deploy_review` one in order for the environment
to automatically stop.

570 571
You can read more in the [`.gitlab-ci.yml` reference][onstop].

572 573
## Grouping similar environments

574 575 576
> [Introduced][ce-7015] in GitLab 8.14.

As we've seen in the [dynamic environments](#dynamic-environments), you can
prepend their name with a word, then followed by a `/` and finally the branch
name which is automatically defined by the `CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME` variable.
579 580 581 582

In short, environments that are named like `type/foo` are presented under a
group named `type`.

583 584
In our minimal example, we name the environments `review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME`
where `$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME` is the branch name:
585 586 587 588 589 590 591

  stage: deploy
    - echo "Deploy a review app"
    name: review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
593 594 595 596 597 598

In that case, if you visit the Environments page, and provided the branches
exist, you should see something like:

![Environment groups](img/environments_dynamic_groups.png)

600 601 602 603 604 605
## Monitoring environments

- For the monitor dashboard to appear, you need to:
  - Have enabled the [Prometheus integration][prom]
Joshua Lambert's avatar
Joshua Lambert committed
  - Configured Prometheus to collect at least one [supported metric](../user/project/integrations/prometheus_library/metrics.md)
607 608 609
- With GitLab 9.2, all deployments to an environment are shown directly on the
  monitoring dashboard

If you have enabled [Prometheus for monitoring system and response metrics](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/integrations/prometheus.html), you can monitor the performance behavior of your app running in each environment.

Once configured, GitLab will attempt to retrieve [supported performance metrics](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/integrations/prometheus_library/metrics.html) for any
613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628
environment which has had a successful deployment. If monitoring data was
successfully retrieved, a Monitoring button will appear on the environment's
detail page.

![Environment Detail with Metrics](img/prometheus_environment_detail_with_metrics.png)

Clicking on the Monitoring button will display a new page, showing up to the last
8 hours of performance data. It may take a minute or two for data to appear
after initial deployment.

All deployments to an environment are shown directly on the monitoring dashboard
which allows easy correlation between any changes in performance and a new
version of the app, all without leaving GitLab.

![Monitoring dashboard](img/environments_monitoring.png)

## Checkout deployments locally

Nick Thomas's avatar
Nick Thomas committed
631 632
Since 8.13, a reference in the git repository is saved for each deployment, so
knowing the state of your current environments is only a `git fetch` away.
633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640

In your git config, append the `[remote "<your-remote>"]` block with an extra
fetch line:

fetch = +refs/environments/*:refs/remotes/origin/environments/*

641 642
## Limitations

643 644 645
1. You are limited to use only the [CI predefined variables][variables] in the
   `environment: name`. If you try to re-use variables defined inside `script`
   as part of the environment name, it will not work.

647 648 649 650 651 652
## Further reading

Below are some links you may find interesting:

- [The `.gitlab-ci.yml` definition of environments](yaml/README.md#environment)
- [A blog post on Deployments & Environments](https://about.gitlab.com/2016/08/26/ci-deployment-and-environments/)
- [Review Apps - Use dynamic environments to deploy your code for every branch](review_apps/index.md)

[Pipelines]: pipelines.md
[jobs]: yaml/README.md#jobs
[yaml]: yaml/README.md
[kubernetes-service]: ../user/project/integrations/kubernetes.md
659 660
[environments]: #environments
[deployments]: #deployments
661 662
[permissions]: ../user/permissions.md
[variables]: variables/README.md
663 664
[env-name]: yaml/README.md#environment-name
[only]: yaml/README.md#only-and-except
665 666
[onstop]: yaml/README.md#environment-on_stop
[ce-7015]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/7015
Nick Thomas's avatar
Nick Thomas committed
[gitlab-flow]: ../workflow/gitlab_flow.md
668 669
[gitlab runner]: https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/
[git-strategy]: yaml/README.md#git-strategy
670 671
[kube]: ../user/project/integrations/kubernetes.md
[prom]: ../user/project/integrations/prometheus.md