_new.html.haml 980 Bytes
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Phil Hughes's avatar
Phil Hughes committed
1 2 3 4
        %h3.page-title= s_("WikiNewPageTitle|New Wiki Page")
6 7
        %button.close{ type: "button", "data-dismiss": "modal", "aria-label" => _('Close') }
          %span{ "aria-hidden": true } ×
Phil Hughes's avatar
Phil Hughes committed
8 9 10 11
            = label_tag :new_wiki_path do
12 13
              %span= s_("WikiPage|Page slug")
            = text_field_tag :new_wiki_path, nil, placeholder: s_("WikiNewPagePlaceholder|how-to-setup"), class: 'form-control', required: true, :'data-wikis-path' => project_wikis_path(@project), autofocus: true
Phil Hughes's avatar
Phil Hughes committed
14 15
              = icon('lightbulb-o')
              = s_("WikiNewPageTip|Tip: You can specify the full path for the new file. We will automatically create any missing directories.")
Phil Hughes's avatar
Phil Hughes committed
            = button_tag s_("Wiki|Create page"), class: "build-new-wiki btn btn-create"