"...ERP5Configurator/Document/CustomerBT5ConfiguratorItem.py" did not exist on "a31f9deccbee5157002d463b992a4d60ef79e352"
  • Toon Claes's avatar
    Add activerecord-explain-analyze gem · be472673
    Toon Claes authored
    This gem allows you to get the `EXPLAIN ANALYZE` query plan, directly
    from the Rails console.
    The gem is installed with `require: false`, but if it was loaded on
    launch, this would be it's memory load:
    TOP: 145.3086 MiB
      rails/all: 22.4844 MiB
      activerecord-explain-analyze: 2.9648 MiB
        active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter: 2.9648 MiB
          pg: 2.9648 MiB
            pg_ext: 2.9648 MiB
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Gemfile.lock 30.6 KB