If you got all YES - congratulations! You can run a GitLab app.
### init script
#### init script
Create init script in /etc/init.d/gitlab:
@@ -242,7 +252,7 @@ GitLab autostart:
sudo update-rc.d gitlab defaults 21
### Now you should start GitLab application:
#### Now you should start GitLab application:
sudo service gitlab start
@@ -276,6 +286,9 @@ You can login via web using admin generated with setup:
# Advanced setup tips:
## Quick setup
> - - -
> The first 3 steps of this guide can be easily skipped by executing an install script:
@@ -294,6 +307,7 @@ You can login via web using admin generated with setup:
> for more detailed instructions read the HOWTO section of [the script](https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlab-recipes/blob/master/install/debian_ubuntu_aws.sh)
> - - -
## Customizing Resque's Redis connection
If you'd like Resque to connect to a Redis server on a non-standard port or on