Commit 7bfd38ea authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

spinach test: project services

parent 9b22f41e
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Feature: Project Services
Given I sign in as a user
And I own project "Shop"
Scenario: I should see project services
When I visit project "Shop" services page
Then I should see list of available services
Scenario: Activate gitlab-ci service
When I visit project "Shop" services page
And I click gitlab-ci service link
And I fill gitlab-ci settings
Then I should see service settings saved
class ProjectServices < Spinach::FeatureSteps
include SharedAuthentication
include SharedProject
include SharedPaths
When 'I visit project "Shop" services page' do
visit project_services_path(@project)
Then 'I should see list of available services' do
page.should have_content 'Services'
page.should have_content 'Jenkins'
page.should have_content 'GitLab CI'
And 'I click gitlab-ci service link' do
click_link 'GitLab CI'
And 'I fill gitlab-ci settings' do
check 'Active'
fill_in 'Project URL', with: ''
fill_in 'CI Project token', with: 'verySecret'
click_button 'Save'
Then 'I should see service settings saved' do
find_field('Project URL').value.should == ''
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