@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ After configuring LDAP, basic authentication will be available. Users can then l
Users that are removed from the LDAP base group (e.g `OU=GitLab INT,DC=GitLab,DC=org`) will be **blocked** in GitLab. [More information](../ldap.md#security) on LDAP security.
If `allow_username_or_email_login` is enabled in the LDAP configuration, GitLab will ignore everything after the first '@' in the LDAP username used on login. Example: The username `jon.doe@example.com` is converted to `jon.doe` when authenticating with the LDAP server. Disable this setting if you use `userPrincipalName` as the `uid`.
If `allow_username_or_email_login` is enabled in the LDAP configuration, GitLab will ignore everything after the first '@' in the LDAP username used on login. Example: The username `` jon.doe@example.com `` is converted to `jon.doe` when authenticating with the LDAP server. Disable this setting if you use `userPrincipalName` as the `uid`.