1. 22 Jul, 2016 3 commits
    • Rémy Coutable's avatar
      Merge branch 'artifacts-from-ref-and-build-name-api' into 'master' · 00e8d26e
      Rémy Coutable authored
      Simpler two queries than one JOIN with subquery
      This is a follow up from !5347
      Originally it was:
      ``` ruby
      pipeline = pipelines.latest_successful_for(ref)
      builds.where(pipeline: pipeline).latest.with_artifacts
      However MySQL would complain that we can't use `IN` against a subquery which has `LIMIT`. Using `INNER JOIN` would be a workaround, however, doing that is too complicated in current version of Rails.
      So let's just use two queries in this case.
      Closes #14419
      See merge request !5388
    • Yorick Peterse's avatar
      Merge branch... · be111259
      Yorick Peterse authored
      Merge branch '17073-tagscontroller-index-is-terrible-response-time-goes-up-to-5-seconds' into 'master'
      Improve performance of tags controller
      See merge request !5375
    • Stan Hu's avatar
      Merge branch '19572-storage-path-validations-fail-incorrectly-for-some-patterns' into 'master' · 7412eba9
      Stan Hu authored
      Fix a false positive where similar un-nested storage paths were reported as nested
      Closes #19572
      See merge request !5145
  2. 21 Jul, 2016 37 commits