1. 08 May, 2020 3 commits
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      Theia: fix webviews and pylint · 0225f91c
      Jérome Perrin authored
      - pylint and other linters were not working in the new version of python extensions.
      - configure URLs for webviews in something compatible with our frontends.
      See merge request !755
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      software/theia: set THEIA_WEBVIEW_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT · e4d34a69
      Jérome Perrin authored
      This disable a theia security feature of using a different hostname for
      each webview. By defaut, for each webview, thiea generate an unique
      hostname that when using vifib frontends would be something like
      https://uuid.webview.softinstXXX.host.vifib.net but that's not usable in
      our case because we cannot create frontends for a subdomain (also we
      don't have certificates for such domain).
      Configure THEIA_WEBVIEW_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT to something less secure, but
      working in our environment. This fixes embedded jupyter notebooks and
      other web views.
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      Revert "software/theia: version up ms-python 2020.4.74986" · 4d9e5f87
      Jérome Perrin authored
      This reverts commit 7e3bc5ee.
      Theia does not seem to be ready for this version, several things are not
       - selecting another python interpreter
       - linting in the editor
       - at startup there's always a "Python is not installed.Please download
      and install Python before using the extension." warning . I think this
      happened sometimes with the previous version too.
      jedi was working fine, but too maybe critical features are broken.
  2. 07 May, 2020 8 commits
  3. 06 May, 2020 1 commit
    • Rafael Monnerat's avatar
      slaprunner/test: Extend and include tests to increase coverage · cbfbbffe
      Rafael Monnerat authored
      This is partially WIP but I let @jerome, @Nicolas and @tomo to review it. 
      Thie WIP is resilient tests included on it, it may cause the test runs for several hours.
      My current idea is release all except resilient one, them use the Test case as a Library and recreate additional folders/softwares, which will run resilient tests. 
      It still required to see if we can optimise the compilation maximazing the use of shared.
      See merge request !748
  4. 05 May, 2020 5 commits
  5. 04 May, 2020 10 commits
  6. 03 May, 2020 2 commits
  7. 01 May, 2020 2 commits
  8. 30 Apr, 2020 9 commits