Commit 9fc21412 authored by Kevin Deldycke's avatar Kevin Deldycke

2006-08-24 Stefan

* URLs work with and without virtual hosting.
* No duplicate entries in WebSection_getDocumentValueList() if a page is associated by aggregate and also in a relevant publication section.
* Problem with WebSection_getDocumentValueList() fixed (aggregated pages were not in the list form this context).
* Removed some context.log() entries.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent c1c63800
No related merge requests found
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ portal_catalog = container.portal_catalog\n
# First find the web section we are in\n
current_node = context\n
while not current_node.getPortalType() in (\'Web Section\', \'Web Site\', \'Domain\'):\n
while not current_node.getPortalType() in (\'Web Section\', \'Web Site\'):\n
current_node = current_node.aq_parent\n
# Then find the publication categories referenced by the web section\n
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ def checkMember(x):\n
return x\n
# get all web pages and check if their publication category is in the category list of the web section\n
#reference_list = map(lambda x:x.getReference(), context.getSourceValueList(portal_type="Web Page"))\n
# reference_list = map(lambda x:x.getReference(), context.getSourceValueList(portal_type="Web Page"))\n
reference_list = map(lambda x:x.getReference(), portal_catalog(portal_type=(\'Web Page\',)))\n
if reference_list:\n
li = filter(checkMember, list(context.portal_catalog(portal_type="Web Page")) )\n
......@@ -121,17 +121,21 @@ if reference_list:\n
if hasattr(context,\'getAggregateList\'):\n
aggregate_values = context.getAggregateList()\n
# get al web pages associated to the section by aggregate-relation\n
if hasattr(current_node,\'getAggregateList\'):\n
aggregate_values = current_node.getAggregateList()\n
aggregate_values = map(context.restrictedTraverse,aggregate_values)\n
li.extend(aggregate_values) # this causes a crash\n
li.extend(aggregate_values) \n
def abcd(x):\n
return x#.getPortalType()\n
# Remove Duplicate entries in my_list\n
for my_element in my_list:\n
if not my_element.getReference() in my_reference_list:\n
return map(abcd,my_list)\n
return my_clean_list\n
## FYI - old implementation - broken\n
......@@ -244,7 +248,10 @@ return map(abcd,my_list)\n
......@@ -68,9 +68,7 @@
<key> <string>_body</string> </key>
<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
# This script is part of ERP5 Web\n
<value> <string># This script is part of ERP5 Web\n
# ERP5 Web is an extension to ERP5 which provides a way\n
# to create web sites which can display selected\n
......@@ -101,51 +99,22 @@
# NOTE: it is still unknown whether this script\n
# needs to be integrated or not to the absolute_url API\n
# FYI old implementation\n
# First build the main section URL\n
main_section = context\n
main_section_path = None\n
#while main_section_path is None and main_section is not None:\n
# if hasattr(main_section, \'getPortalType\'):\n
# if main_section.getPortalType() == \'Web Section\':\n
# main_section_path = str(main_section.getObject().absolute_url())\n
# elif main_section.getPortalType() == \'Web Site\':\n
# main_section_path = str(main_section.getObject().absolute_url())\n
# main_section = main_section.aq_parent\n
while hasattr(main_section,\'aq_parent\'):\n
while hasattr(main_section,\'aq_parent\') and hasattr(main_section,\'getPortalType\') and main_section.getPortalType()!="Web Section" and main_section.getPortalType()!="Web Site":\n
main_section_path = str(main_section.absolute_url())\n
main_section = main_section.aq_parent\n
# then, if context is a web page, the reference must be added to the URL\n
if hasattr(context,\'getReference\'):\n
my_reference = context.getReference()\n
if my_reference==None:\n
# Then get the object\n
if brain is None: brain=context\n
object = brain.getObject()\n
#if object is not None:\n
# if object.hasReference():\n
# reference = object.getReference()\n
# else:\n
# reference = None\n
# return ""\n
#if reference:\n
# return "%s/%s" % (main_section_path, reference)\n
if context.getPortalType()=="Web Page":\n
billl=billl[1][1].WebSite_getDocumentUrl() #get the URL of the section\n
if context.getReference() is None:\n
return "ERROR: Reference-Attribute Missing for"+repr(context)\n
return billl+"/"+context.getReference()\n
return "%s/%s" % (main_section_path, object.getRelativeUrl())\n
]]></string> </value>
return main_section.absolute_url() + "/" + my_reference\n
</string> </value>
<key> <string>_code</string> </key>
......@@ -198,13 +167,9 @@ return "%s/%s" % (main_section_path, object.getRelativeUrl())\n
2006-08-24 Stefan
* URLs work with and without virtual hosting.
* No duplicate entries in WebSection_getDocumentValueList() if a page is associated by aggregate and also in a relevant publication section.
* Problem with WebSection_getDocumentValueList() fixed (aggregated pages were not in the list form this context).
* Removed some context.log() entries.
2006-08-23 Stefan
* First rework of Web API scripts.
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