l10n: remove all translations for transitions with [transition in $workflow_id]
This was never supported, we support only [state in $workflow_id] See also: https://erp5js.nexedi.net/#/bug_module/1740 b6dcbc19 (l10n_fr,l10n_jp: Fix translation of "Open", 2021-04-30) Generated from this script: #!/srv/slapgrid/slappart3/srv/runner/software/cc0326f0dcb093f56c01291c300c8481/parts/erp5/venv/bin/python import polib import sys import re pofile = polib.pofile(sys.argv[1]) msgs = dict() for entry in pofile: msgs[entry.msgid] = entry.msgstr transition_re = re.compile(r'(.*) \[transition in .*\]') fixed_messages = dict() for entry in pofile: match = transition_re.match(entry.msgid) if match: # in erp5_l10n_de some msgstr also have the [transition in ...], we drop them if transition_re.match(entry.msgstr): continue short = match.groups()[0] if short.endswith('Action'): continue if short not in msgs: print(f"{short} not translated ( from {entry.msgid} )") fixed_messages[short] = entry.msgstr else: fixed_messages[entry.msgid] = entry.msgstr pofile.clear() for k, v in fixed_messages.items(): pofile.append(polib.POEntry(msgid=k, msgstr=v)) pofile.save(sys.argv[1]) import subprocess subprocess.check_output( [ '/opt/slapos-shared/gettext/4df93a547efd86e0eb70495b88a5d3b1/bin/msgattrib', sys.argv[1], "--no-fuzzy", "--translated", "-s", "--no-wrap", "-o", sys.argv[1] ] )
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