Commit 35bc2685 authored by Lu Xu's avatar Lu Xu 👀

software/ors-amarisoft: remove tests for Lopcomm

parent fde5620b
......@@ -502,171 +502,6 @@ class SDR4:
# Lopcomm4 is mixin to verify Lopcomm driver wrt all LTE/NR x FDD/TDD modes.
class Lopcomm4:
def RUcfg(cls, i):
return {
'ru_type': 'lopcomm',
'ru_link_type': 'cpri',
'cpri_link': {
'sdr_dev': 0,
'sfp_port': i,
'mult': 4,
'mapping': 'hw',
'rx_delay': 40+i,
'tx_delay': 50+i,
'tx_dbm': 60+i
'mac_addr': '00:0A:45:00:00:%02x' % i,
# radio units configuration in enb.cfg
def test_rf_cfg_ru(t):
assertMatch(t, t.rf_cfg['rf_driver'], dict(
# RU configuration in cu_config.xml
def test_ru_cu_config_xml(t):
def uctx(rf_mode, cell_type, dl_arfcn, ul_arfcn, bw, dl_freq, ul_freq, tx_gain, rx_gain):
return {
'tx-array-carriers': {
'rw-duplex-scheme': rf_mode,
'rw-type': cell_type,
'absolute-frequency-center': '%d' % dl_arfcn,
'center-of-channel-bandwidth': '%d' % dl_freq,
'channel-bandwidth': '%d' % bw,
'gain': '%d' % tx_gain,
'active': 'ACTIVE',
'rx-array-carriers': {
'absolute-frequency-center': '%d' % ul_arfcn,
'center-of-channel-bandwidth': '%d' % ul_freq,
'channel-bandwidth': '%d' % bw,
# XXX no rx_gain
'active': 'ACTIVE',
_ = t._test_ru_cu_config_xml
# rf_mode ctype dl_arfcn ul_arfcn bw dl_freq ul_freq txg rxg
_(1, uctx('FDD', 'LTE', 100, 18100, 5000000, 2120000000, 1930000000, 11, 21))
_(2, uctx('TDD', 'LTE', 40200, 40200, 10000000, 2551000000, 2551000000, 12, 22))
_(3, uctx('FDD', 'NR', 300300, 290700, 15000000, 1501500000, 1453500000, 13, 23))
_(4, uctx('TDD', 'NR', 470400, 470400, 20000000, 2352000000, 2352000000, 14, 24))
def _test_ru_cu_config_xml(t, i, uctx):
cu_xml = t.ipath('etc/%s' % xbuildout.encode('%s-cu_config.xml' % t.ref('RU%d' % i)))
with open(cu_xml, 'r') as f:
cu =
cu = xmltodict.parse(cu)
assertMatch(t, cu, {
'xc:config': {
'user-plane-configuration': {
'tx-endpoints': [
{'name': 'TXA0P00C00', 'e-axcid': {'eaxc-id': '0'}},
{'name': 'TXA0P00C01', 'e-axcid': {'eaxc-id': '1'}},
{'name': 'TXA0P01C00', 'e-axcid': {'eaxc-id': '2'}},
{'name': 'TXA0P01C01', 'e-axcid': {'eaxc-id': '3'}},
'tx-links': [
{'name': 'TXA0P00C00', 'tx-endpoint': 'TXA0P00C00'},
{'name': 'TXA0P00C01', 'tx-endpoint': 'TXA0P00C01'},
{'name': 'TXA0P01C00', 'tx-endpoint': 'TXA0P01C00'},
{'name': 'TXA0P01C01', 'tx-endpoint': 'TXA0P01C01'},
'rx-endpoints': [
{'name': 'RXA0P00C00', 'e-axcid': {'eaxc-id': '0'}},
{'name': 'PRACH0P00C00', 'e-axcid': {'eaxc-id': '8'}},
{'name': 'RXA0P00C01', 'e-axcid': {'eaxc-id': '1'}},
{'name': 'PRACH0P00C01', 'e-axcid': {'eaxc-id': '24'}},
'rx-links': [
{'name': 'RXA0P00C00', 'rx-endpoint': 'RXA0P00C00'},
{'name': 'PRACH0P00C00', 'rx-endpoint': 'PRACH0P00C00'},
{'name': 'RXA0P00C01', 'rx-endpoint': 'RXA0P00C01'},
{'name': 'PRACH0P00C01', 'rx-endpoint': 'PRACH0P00C01'},
} | uctx
# RU configuration in cu_inactive_config.xml
def test_ru_cu_inactive_config_xml(t):
def uctx(rf_mode, cell_type, dl_arfcn, ul_arfcn, bw, dl_freq, ul_freq, tx_gain, rx_gain):
return {
'tx-array-carriers': {
'rw-duplex-scheme': rf_mode,
'rw-type': cell_type,
'absolute-frequency-center': '%d' % dl_arfcn,
'center-of-channel-bandwidth': '%d' % dl_freq,
'channel-bandwidth': '%d' % bw,
'gain': '%d' % tx_gain,
'active': 'INACTIVE',
'rx-array-carriers': {
'absolute-frequency-center': '%d' % ul_arfcn,
'center-of-channel-bandwidth': '%d' % ul_freq,
'channel-bandwidth': '%d' % bw,
# XXX no rx_gain
'active': 'INACTIVE',
_ = t._test_ru_cu_inactive_config_xml
# rf_mode ctype dl_arfcn ul_arfcn bw dl_freq ul_freq txg rxg
_(1, uctx('FDD', 'LTE', 100, 18100, 5000000, 2120000000, 1930000000, 11, 21))
_(2, uctx('TDD', 'LTE', 40200, 40200, 10000000, 2551000000, 2551000000, 12, 22))
_(3, uctx('FDD', 'NR', 300300, 290700, 15000000, 1501500000, 1453500000, 13, 23))
_(4, uctx('TDD', 'NR', 470400, 470400, 20000000, 2352000000, 2352000000, 14, 24))
def _test_ru_cu_inactive_config_xml(t, i, uctx):
cu_xml = t.ipath('etc/%s' % xbuildout.encode('%s-cu_inactive_config.xml' % t.ref('RU%d' % i)))
with open(cu_xml, 'r') as f:
cu =
cu = xmltodict.parse(cu)
assertMatch(t, cu, {
'xc:config': {
'user-plane-configuration': {
'tx-endpoints': [
{'name': 'TXA0P00C00', 'e-axcid': {'eaxc-id': '0'}},
{'name': 'TXA0P00C01', 'e-axcid': {'eaxc-id': '1'}},
{'name': 'TXA0P01C00', 'e-axcid': {'eaxc-id': '2'}},
{'name': 'TXA0P01C01', 'e-axcid': {'eaxc-id': '3'}},
'tx-links': [
{'name': 'TXA0P00C00', 'tx-endpoint': 'TXA0P00C00'},
{'name': 'TXA0P00C01', 'tx-endpoint': 'TXA0P00C01'},
{'name': 'TXA0P01C00', 'tx-endpoint': 'TXA0P01C00'},
{'name': 'TXA0P01C01', 'tx-endpoint': 'TXA0P01C01'},
'rx-endpoints': [
{'name': 'RXA0P00C00', 'e-axcid': {'eaxc-id': '0'}},
{'name': 'PRACH0P00C00', 'e-axcid': {'eaxc-id': '8'}},
{'name': 'RXA0P00C01', 'e-axcid': {'eaxc-id': '1'}},
{'name': 'PRACH0P00C01', 'e-axcid': {'eaxc-id': '24'}},
'rx-links': [
{'name': 'RXA0P00C00', 'rx-endpoint': 'RXA0P00C00'},
{'name': 'PRACH0P00C00', 'rx-endpoint': 'PRACH0P00C00'},
{'name': 'RXA0P00C01', 'rx-endpoint': 'RXA0P00C01'},
{'name': 'PRACH0P00C01', 'rx-endpoint': 'PRACH0P00C01'},
} | uctx
# Sunwave4 is mixin to verify Sunwave driver wrt all LTE/NR x FDD/TDD modes.
class Sunwave4:
......@@ -699,35 +534,35 @@ class Sunwave4:
# RUMultiType4 is mixin to verify that different RU types can be used at the same time.
class RUMultiType4:
# ENB does not support mixing SDR + CPRI - verify only with CPRI-based units
# see for details
def RUcfg(cls, i):
assert 1 <= i <= 4, i
if i in (1,2):
return Lopcomm4.RUcfg(i)
return Sunwave4.RUcfg(i)
# radio units configuration in enb.cfg
def test_rf_cfg_ru(t):
assertMatch(t, t.rf_cfg['rf_driver'], dict(
# Due to only one type of RU being supported in the SR, the test is currently not applicable.
#class RUMultiType4:
# # ENB does not support mixing SDR + CPRI - verify only with CPRI-based units
# # see for details
# @classmethod
# def RUcfg(cls, i):
# assert 1 <= i <= 4, i
# if i in (1,2):
# return SDR4.RUcfg(i)
# else:
# return Sunwave4.RUcfg(i)
# # radio units configuration in enb.cfg
# def test_rf_cfg_ru(t):
# assertMatch(t, t.rf_cfg['rf_driver'], dict(
# name='sdr',
# args='dev0=/dev/sdr0@1,dev1=/dev/sdr0@2,dev2=/dev/sdr1@3,dev3=/dev/sdr1@4',
# cpri_mapping='hw,hw,bf1,bf1',
# cpri_mult='4,4,5,5',
# cpri_rx_delay='41,42,143,144',
# cpri_tx_delay='51,52,153,154',
# cpri_tx_dbm='61,62,163,164',
# ))
# instantiate eNB tests
class TestENB_SDR4 (ENBTestCase4, SDR4): pass
class TestENB_Lopcomm4 (ENBTestCase4, Lopcomm4): pass
class TestENB_Sunwave4 (ENBTestCase4, Sunwave4): pass
class TestENB_RUMultiType4(ENBTestCase4, RUMultiType4): pass
# class TestENB_RUMultiType4(ENBTestCase4, RUMultiType4): pass
# ---- UEsim ----
......@@ -844,9 +679,8 @@ class UEsimTestCase4(RFTestCase4):
# instantiate UEsim tests
class TestUEsim_SDR4 (UEsimTestCase4, SDR4): pass
class TestUEsim_Lopcomm4 (UEsimTestCase4, Lopcomm4): pass
class TestUEsim_Sunwave4 (UEsimTestCase4, Sunwave4): pass
class TestUEsim_RUMultiType4(UEsimTestCase4, RUMultiType4): pass
# class TestUEsim_RUMultiType4(UEsimTestCase4, RUMultiType4): pass
# ---- misc ----
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