Commit 0afc6fc7 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

uniqueJSONStringify improved

parent b1df058c
......@@ -198,8 +198,22 @@ function generateUuid() {
exports.util.generateUuid = generateUuid;
* JSON stringify a value. Dict keys are sorted in order to make a kind of
* deepEqual thanks to a simple strict equal string comparison.
* Concatenate a `string` `n` times.
* @param {String} string The string to concat
* @param {Number} n The number of time to concat
* @return {String} The concatenated string
function concatStringNTimes(string, n) {
/*jslint plusplus: true */
var res = "";
while (--n >= 0) { res += string; }
return res;
* JSON stringify a value. Object keys are sorted in order to make a kind of
* deepEqual thanks to a simple string comparison.
* JSON.stringify({"a": "b", "c": "d"}) ===
* JSON.stringify({"c": "d", "a": "b"}) // false
......@@ -210,43 +224,84 @@ exports.util.generateUuid = generateUuid;
* uniqueJSONStringify({"c": "d", "a": "b"}) // true
* @param {Any} value The value to stringify
* @param {Function} [replacer] A function to replace values during parse
* @param {Function,Array} [replacer] A function to replace values during parse
* @param {String,Number} [space] Causes the result to be pretty-printed
* @return {String} The unique JSON stringified value
function uniqueJSONStringify(value, replacer) {
function subStringify(value, key) {
var i, res;
if (typeof replacer === 'function') {
function uniqueJSONStringify(value, replacer, space) {
var indent, key_value_space = "";
if (typeof space === "string") {
if (space !== "") {
indent = space;
key_value_space = " ";
} else if (typeof space === "number") {
if (isFinite(space) && space > 0) {
indent = concatStringNTimes(" ", space);
key_value_space = " ";
function uniqueJSONStringifyRec(key, value, deep) {
var i, l, res, my_space;
if (value && typeof value.toJSON === "function") {
value = value.toJSON();
if (typeof replacer === "function") {
value = replacer(key, value);
if (indent) {
my_space = concatStringNTimes(indent, deep);
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
res = [];
for (i = 0; i < value.length; i += 1) {
res[res.length] = subStringify(value[i], i);
res[res.length] = uniqueJSONStringifyRec(i, value[i], deep + 1);
if (res[res.length - 1] === undefined) {
res[res.length - 1] = 'null';
res[res.length - 1] = "null";
return '[' + res.join(',') + ']';
if (res.length === 0) { return "[]"; }
if (indent) {
return "[\n" + my_space + indent +
res.join(",\n" + my_space + indent) +
"\n" + my_space + "]";
return "[" + res.join(",") + "]";
if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null &&
typeof value.toJSON !== 'function') {
res = [];
for (i in value) {
if (value.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
res[res.length] = subStringify(value[i], i);
if (res[res.length - 1] !== undefined) {
res[res.length - 1] = JSON.stringify(i) + ":" + res[res.length - 1];
} else {
res.length -= 1;
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
if (Array.isArray(replacer)) {
res = replacer.reduce(function (p, c) {
return p;
}, []);
} else {
res = Object.keys(value);
return '{' + res.join(',') + '}';
for (i = 0, l = res.length; i < l; i += 1) {
key = res[i];
res[i] = uniqueJSONStringifyRec(key, value[key], deep + 1);
if (res[i] !== undefined) {
res[i] = JSON.stringify(key) + ":" + key_value_space + res[i];
} else {
res.splice(i, 1);
l -= 1;
i -= 1;
if (res.length === 0) { return "{}"; }
if (indent) {
return "{\n" + my_space + indent +
res.join(",\n" + my_space + indent) +
"\n" + my_space + "}";
return "{" + res.join(",") + "}";
return JSON.stringify(value);
return subStringify(value, '');
return uniqueJSONStringifyRec("", value, 0);
exports.util.uniqueJSONStringify = uniqueJSONStringify;
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