• Sebastien Robin's avatar
    Fixed 2 tests in testAlarm : · 6e715b82
    Sebastien Robin authored
    - test_08_SomeWeekDaysSomeHours was wrong, one date was missing, and
      this test was working before because of error in implementation
    - test_07a_Every4DaysSomeHours was expecting that alarm dates takes
      into account initial start time, this is not implemented like this
      and current implementation is probably enough, so I changed values.
    Fixed Alarm.py :
    - When we add a day, we should reset hours and minutes, otherwise
      we can forget several matching dates, it might be required to
      do the same thing when adding one hour
    git-svn-id: https://svn.erp5.org/repos/public/erp5/trunk@24050 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
Alarm.py 21.9 KB