Commit 6bc30296 authored by Grégory Wisniewski's avatar Grégory Wisniewski

Factorise validateVaultBalance scripts for currency sale and puchase.

- Check if an exchange rate is defined for the selected currency
- Check if the amount is defined (was done for puchases only)
- Check amounts consistency before outgoing inventory

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent e57fd1cd
No related merge requests found
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<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import ValidationFailed\n
from Products.ERP5Type.Message import Message\n
counter_site = context.getSource()\n
# check we don\'t change of user\n
# check that we are in the good accounting date\n
# check that the counter is open\n
if is_currency_sale:\n
foreign_currency_portal_type = outgoing_portal_type\n
default_currency_portal_type = incoming_portal_type\n
foreign_currency_portal_type = incoming_portal_type\n
default_currency_portal_type = outgoing_portal_type\n
# check resource on currency fastinput\n
doc_resource = context.getResource()\n
for line in context.contentValues(portal_type=foreign_currency_portal_type):\n
if line.getResourceValue().getPriceCurrency() != doc_resource:\n
raise ValidationFailed, (Message(domain="ui",\n
message="Resource defined on document is different from currency cash."), )\n
# check if an exchange rate is defined\n
if context.CurrencyPurchase_getQuantity() is None:\n
raise ValidationFailed, (Message(domain=\'ui\',\n
message="No exchange rate defined for this currency at document date."))\n
# check outgoing amount\n
if is_currency_sale:\n
amount = context.getSourceTotalAssetPrice()\n
amount = context.getQuantity()\n
if amount is None or amount <= 0:\n
msg = Message(domain="ui", message="Amount is not valid.")\n
raise ValidationFailed, (msg, )\n
# Reverse error messages in cash of currency purchase\n
default_msg = "Received amount is different from input cash."\n
foreign_msg = "Return amount is different from output cash"\n
if not is_currency_sale:\n
(default_msg, foreign_msg) = (foreign_msg, default_msg)\n
# Check default currency amount consistency\n
if context.getTotalPrice(portal_type=[default_currency_portal_type,\n
\'Cash Delivery Cell\'], fast=0) != context.getQuantity():\n
raise ValidationFailed, (Message(domain="ui", message=default_msg), )\n
# Check foreign currency amount consistency\n
if context.getTotalPrice(portal_type=[foreign_currency_portal_type,\n
\'Cash Delivery Cell\'], fast=0) != context.getSourceTotalAssetPrice():\n
raise ValidationFailed, (Message(domain="ui", message=foreign_msg), )\n
# Check outgoing inventory\n
resource_one = context.CashDelivery_checkCounterInventory(\n
if resource_one == 2:\n
raise ValidationFailed, (Message(domain="ui", message="No Resource."), )\n
elif resource_one == 1:\n
raise ValidationFailed, (Message(domain="ui",\n
message="Insufficient balance"), )\n
]]></string> </value>
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<value> <string>incoming_portal_type, outgoing_portal_type, is_currency_sale</string> </value>
<key> <string>errors</string> </key>
<key> <string>func_code</string> </key>
<global name="FuncCode" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Signature"/>
<key> <string>co_argcount</string> </key>
<value> <int>3</int> </value>
<key> <string>co_varnames</string> </key>
<key> <string>func_defaults</string> </key>
<key> <string>id</string> </key>
<value> <string>CurrencySaleOrPurchase_validateVaultBalance</string> </value>
<key> <string>warnings</string> </key>
......@@ -53,78 +53,12 @@
<key> <string>_body</string> </key>
<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import ValidationFailed\n
from Products.ERP5Type.Message import Message\n
transaction = state_change[\'object\']\n
currency = transaction.getResourceTitle()\n
encaisse_billets_et_monnaies = "/encaisse_des_billets_et_monnaies/sortante"\n
ressource_title = transaction.getResourceTitle().lower()\n
ressource_title = ressource_title.replace(" ", "_")\n
encaisse_devise = "/encaisse_des_devises/%s/entrante" %(ressource_title)\n
#encaisse_devise = "/encaisse_des_devises/%s/entrante" %(transaction.getResourceTitle().lower())\n
counter_site = transaction.getSource()\n
# check we don\'t change of user\n
incoming_destination = counter_site + encaisse_devise\n
outgoing_source = counter_site + encaisse_billets_et_monnaies\n
# check again that we are in the good accounting date\n
transaction.Baobab_checkCounterDateOpen(site=outgoing_source, date=transaction.getStartDate())\n
# check again that the counter is open\n
base_price = transaction.getSourceTotalAssetPrice()\n
# Check the amount.\n
if base_price is None or base_price <= 0:\n
msg = Message(domain="ui", message="Amount is not valid.")\n
raise ValidationFailed, (msg,)\n
# Check Taxes\n
fix_montant = transaction.getDiscount()\n
pourcentage = transaction.getDiscountRatio()\n
# check resource on incoming line\n
doc_resource = transaction.getResource()\n
for line in transaction.contentValues(portal_type="Incoming Cash To Currency Purchase Line"):\n
if line.getResourceValue().getPriceCurrency() != doc_resource:\n
msg = Message(domain="ui", message="Resource defined on document is different from input cash.")\n
raise ValidationFailed, (msg,)\n
resource_two = transaction.CashDelivery_checkCounterInventory(outgoing_source,portal_type=\'Outgoing Cash To Currency Purchase Line\')\n
billetage_entre = transaction.getTotalPrice(portal_type=[\'Incoming Cash To Currency Purchase Line\', \'Cash Delivery Cell\'],fast=0)\n
billetage_sorti = transaction.getTotalPrice(portal_type=[\'Outgoing Cash To Currency Purchase Line\', \'Cash Delivery Cell\'],fast=0)\n
quantity = transaction.getQuantity()\n
if resource_two == 2:\n
msg = Message(domain="ui", message="No Resource.")\n
raise ValidationFailed, (msg,)\n
elif billetage_entre != base_price :\n
msg = Message(domain="ui", message="Received amount is different from input cash.")\n
raise ValidationFailed, (msg,)\n
elif billetage_sorti != quantity :\n
msg = Message(domain="ui", message="Return amount is different from output cash")\n
raise ValidationFailed, (msg,) \n
elif resource_two!= 0 :\n
msg = Message(domain="ui", message="Insufficient balance")\n
raise ValidationFailed, (msg,)\n
]]></string> </value>
<value> <string>state_change[\'object\'].CurrencySaleOrPurchase_validateVaultBalance(\n
incoming_portal_type=\'Incoming Cash To Currency Purchase Line\',\n
outgoing_portal_type=\'Outgoing Cash To Currency Purchase Line\',\n
</string> </value>
<key> <string>_code</string> </key>
......@@ -161,33 +95,9 @@ elif resource_two!= 0 :\n
......@@ -53,75 +53,11 @@
<key> <string>_body</string> </key>
<value> <string>from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import ValidationFailed\n
from Products.ERP5Type.Message import Message\n
transaction = state_change[\'object\']\n
currency = transaction.getResourceTitle()\n
var_ressource_title = transaction.getResourceTitle().lower()\n
var_ressource_title = var_ressource_title.replace(" ", "_")\n
encaisse_devise = "/encaisse_des_devises/%s/sortante" %(var_ressource_title)\n
#encaisse_devise = "/encaisse_des_devises/%s/sortante" %(transaction.getResourceTitle().lower())\n
encaisse_billets_et_monnaies = "/encaisse_des_billets_et_monnaies/entrante"\n
# check resource on incoming line\n
doc_resource = transaction.getResource()\n
for line in transaction.contentValues(portal_type="Outgoing Cash To Currency Sale Line"):\n
if line.getResourceValue().getPriceCurrency() != doc_resource:\n
msg = Message(domain="ui", message="Resource defined on document is different from input cash.")\n
raise ValidationFailed, (msg,)\n
counter_site = transaction.getSource()\n
# check we don\'t change of user\n
outgoing_source = counter_site + encaisse_devise\n
# check again that we are in the good accounting date\n
transaction.Baobab_checkCounterDateOpen(site=outgoing_source, date=transaction.getStartDate())\n
# check again that the counter is open\n
# use of the constraint : Test cash status line\n
#vliste = transaction.checkConsistency()\n
#transaction.log(\'vliste\', vliste)\n
#if len(vliste) != 0:\n
# raise ValidationFailed, (vliste[0].getMessage(),)\n
resource_one = transaction.CashDelivery_checkCounterInventory(outgoing_source,portal_type=\'Outgoing Cash To Currency Sale Line\')\n
#billetage_entre = transaction.getTotalPrice(deliveryLineType=\'Incoming Cash To Currency Sale Line\')\n
billetage_entre = transaction.getTotalPrice(portal_type=[\'Incoming Cash To Currency Sale Line\',\'Cash Delivery Cell\'],fast=0)\n
#billetage_sorti = transaction.getTotalPrice(deliveryLineType=\'Outgoing Cash To Currency Sale Line\')\n
billetage_sorti = transaction.getTotalPrice(portal_type=[\'Outgoing Cash To Currency Sale Line\', \'Cash Delivery Cell\'],fast=0)\n
base_price = transaction.getSourceTotalAssetPrice()\n
quantity = transaction.getQuantity()\n
if resource_one == 2:\n
msg = Message(domain="ui", message="No Resource.")\n
raise ValidationFailed, (msg,)\n
elif billetage_entre != quantity :\n
msg = Message(domain="ui", message="Received amount is different from input cash.")\n
raise ValidationFailed, (msg,)\n
elif billetage_sorti != base_price :\n
msg = Message(domain="ui", message="Return amount is different from output cash")\n
raise ValidationFailed, (msg,) \n
elif resource_one != 0 :\n
msg = Message(domain="ui", message="Insufficient balance")\n
raise ValidationFailed, (msg,)\n
<value> <string>state_change[\'object\'].CurrencySaleOrPurchase_validateVaultBalance(\n
incoming_portal_type=\'Incoming Cash To Currency Sale Line\',\n
outgoing_portal_type=\'Outgoing Cash To Currency Sale Line\',\n
</string> </value>
......@@ -159,29 +95,9 @@ elif resource_one != 0 :\n
\ No newline at end of file
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