"description":"The family this partition is part of. For example: 'public', 'admin', 'backoffice', 'web-service'... Each family gets its own frontend (=client-facing ip & port). It has no special meaning for the system.",
"description":"Number of Zopes to setup on this partition",
"description":"Number of worker threads for each created Zope process",
"description":"Timerserver tick perdiod, in seconds, or 0 to disable",
"description":"Period, in seconds, with which LongRequestLogger polls worker thread stack traces, or -1 to disable",
"description":"Transaction duration after which LongRequestLogger will start logging its stack trace, in seconds",
"description":"Start allocating ports at this value. Useful if one needs to make several partitions share the same port range (ie, several partitions bound to a single address)",
"description":"GUID of computer instance must be requested on",
"description":"Software URL of an existing frontend, no frontend will be requested if this value is empty",
"description":"Frontend's instance GUID, required if software-url is non-empty (not perfect: if frontend is moved and its instance GUID changes, you need to update this value)",
"description":"Frontend software type in given software relase",
"description":"Domain name belonging to this instance",
"description":"GUID of computer instance must be requested on",
"description":"Maps an export identifier to its settings",
"description":"Opaque name used to regroup/separate mountpoints under different ZEO processes (must be valid as a file name and as a ConfigParser section name)",
"pattern":"^[^<>:\"/\\|?*\\]\\[ ]*$",
"description":"Traversal path export should be mounted at (opaque to this software type)",
"description":"Client-side cache size in object count (opaque to this software type)",
"description":"FileStorage file path, '%(zodb)s' occurrences are replaced with the path to partition's srv/zodb directory",
"default":"%(zodb)s/<export identifier>.fs",
"description":"Client-side settings for this mountpoint",
"description":"Values returned by ZEO instanciation",
"description":"zope.cfg-friendly storage type",
"description":"Maps an export identifier to values received as parameters",
"description":"Contains the mount-point, cache-size and client-dict received as parameters for current export identifier (client-dict's 'storage' and 'server' entries are overwritten with actual values)",