• Jim Fulton's avatar
    Feature Changes · 5da42b95
    Jim Fulton authored
    - Added a buildout newest option, to control whether the newest
      distributions should be sought to meet requirements.  This might
      also provide a hint to recipes that don't deal with
      distributions. For example, a recipe that manages subversion
      checkouts might not update a checkout if newest is set to "false".
    - The recipe-testing support setUp function now adds the name
      *buildout* to the test namespace with a value that is the path to
      the buildout script in the sample buildout.  This allows tests to
    >>> print system(buildout),
    rather than:
    >>> print system(join('bin', 'buildout')),
    Bugs Fixed
    - Paths returned from update methods replaced lists of installed files
      rather than augmenting them.
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CHANGES.txt 9.77 KB