Commit 11afbd15 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

grid/distribution: fix linter warnings

parent c4902375
......@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ import platform
import re
def _debianize(os):
def _debianize(os_):
keep only the major release number in case of debian, otherwise
minor releases would be seen as not compatible to each other.
distname, version, id_ = os
distname, version, id_ = os_
distname_lower = distname.lower()
if distname_lower == 'debian' and '.' in version:
version = version.split('.')[0]
......@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ def os_matches(os1, os2):
return _debianize(os1) == _debianize(os2)
_distributor_id_file_re = re.compile("(?:DISTRIB_ID\s*=)\s*(.*)", re.I)
_release_file_re = re.compile("(?:DISTRIB_RELEASE\s*=)\s*(.*)", re.I)
_codename_file_re = re.compile("(?:DISTRIB_CODENAME\s*=)\s*(.*)", re.I)
_distributor_id_file_re = re.compile(r"(?:DISTRIB_ID\s*=)\s*(.*)", re.I)
_release_file_re = re.compile(r"(?:DISTRIB_RELEASE\s*=)\s*(.*)", re.I)
_codename_file_re = re.compile(r"(?:DISTRIB_CODENAME\s*=)\s*(.*)", re.I)
def patched_linux_distribution(distname='', version='', id='',
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ def patched_linux_distribution(distname='', version='', id='',
if _u_distname and _u_version:
return (_u_distname, _u_version, _u_id)
except (EnvironmentError, UnboundLocalError):
return platform.linux_distribution(distname, version, id, supported_dists, full_distribution_name)
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