Commit 2ddec14e authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

recipe/promise_plugin: Improve options

parent 99837242
......@@ -24,15 +24,17 @@
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import ast
import re
import logging, os
import zc.buildout.easy_install
from pprint import pformat
from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
from zc.buildout import UserError
script_template = '''# This script is auto generated by slapgrid, do not edit!
import sys
sys.path[0:0] = %(path)s
sys.path[0:0] = %(paths)s
extra_config_dict = %(config)s
......@@ -54,6 +56,24 @@ for module in list(sys.modules):
execfile_template = """\
def _(path):
global _
del _
with open(path) as f:
return compile(, path, 'exec')
def isPythonName(name):
x, = ast.parse(name).body
if type(x) is ast.Expr:
x = x.value
return type(x) is ast.Name and == name
except Exception:
class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
_WORKING_SET_CACHE_NAME = "slapos.cookbook_pplugin_ws_cache"
......@@ -64,6 +84,35 @@ class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
options['develop-eggs-directory'] = buildout_section['develop-eggs-directory']
super(Recipe, self).__init__(buildout, name, options)
filepath = options.get('file')
module = options.get('module')
klass = options.get('class')
if klass == 'RunPromise':
klass = None
elif klass and not isPythonName(klass):
raise UserError("%r is not valid class name" % klass)
if bool(module) == bool(filepath):
raise UserError("Either 'module' or 'file' is required but not both")
if module:
if not all(map(isPythonName, module.split('.'))):
raise UserError("%r is not a valid module name" % module)
if klass:
content = 'from %s import %s as RunPromise' % (module, klass)
content = 'from %s import RunPromise' % module
content = execfile_template % filepath
if klass:
content += '\n\nRunPromise = ' + klass
self.content = content
self.config_dict = {key[7:]: options[key]
for key in options
if key.startswith('config-')}
def _get_cache_storage(self):
"""Return a mapping where to store generated working sets.
......@@ -111,26 +160,10 @@ class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
working_set = set()
regex = r"^[\w_\-\.\s]+$"
import_path = self.options.get('import', '').strip()
if import_path:
if not, import_path):
raise ValueError("Import path %r is not a valid" % import_path)
content_string = "from %s import RunPromise" % import_path
# old parameter for compatibility
content_string = self.options['content'].strip()
if not, content_string):
raise ValueError("Promise content %r is not valid" % content_string)
config_dict = {key[7:]: self.options[key]
for key in self.options
if key.startswith('config-')}
return self.createFile(self.options['output'], script_template % {
'path': pformat([dist.location for dist in working_set], indent=2),
'content': content_string,
'config': pformat(config_dict, indent=2),
'paths': pformat(tuple(dist.location for dist in working_set), indent=2),
'config': pformat(self.config_dict, indent=2),
'content': self.content,
}, int(self.options.get('mode', '0644'), 8)),
update = install
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