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  1. 28 Jan, 2021 1 commit
    • Łukasz Nowak's avatar
      release-sr: Fix usage for various cases · e58a10ba
      Łukasz Nowak authored
        * fail fast in case of trouble
        * treat 1.0 as special working branch and be ok to remove it
        * select origin/1.0 as source of the local 1.0 branch
      Thank to this it can be used in clean repository.
  2. 24 Jul, 2020 1 commit
  3. 09 Apr, 2020 1 commit
    • Rafael Monnerat's avatar
      Add script to release a new Software Release · 62202e0c
      Rafael Monnerat authored
        This script should be invoked to release a new software release, it will use what is in 1.0 branch to create
        the tag, and it will verbose the follow information...
      You are about to release a new version of SlapOS Software Release
      Lastest release: 1.0.144
      Next Release to be Tagged: 1.0.145
       Please review current tag and them push it:
       To review use git log 1.0.145
       To push into main repository:
       git push origin 1.0.145