Commit 4bb69fe6 authored by Rusty Russell's avatar Rusty Russell

shachain: allow overriding of number of bits, add cmdline tool.

lightning uses 48 bits, so this provides a quick utility for our test
vectors, and provides a nice example.
Signed-off-by: default avatarRusty Russell <>
parent d07f742c
......@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define INDEX_BITS ((sizeof(shachain_index_t)) * CHAR_BIT)
static void change_bit(unsigned char *arr, size_t index)
arr[index / CHAR_BIT] ^= (1 << (index % CHAR_BIT));
......@@ -15,11 +13,11 @@ static void change_bit(unsigned char *arr, size_t index)
static unsigned int count_trailing_zeroes(shachain_index_t index)
return index ? (unsigned int)__builtin_ctzll(index) : INDEX_BITS;
return index ? (unsigned int)__builtin_ctzll(index) : SHACHAIN_BITS;
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < INDEX_BITS; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < SHACHAIN_BITS; i++) {
if (index & (1ULL << i))
......@@ -81,7 +79,8 @@ bool shachain_add_hash(struct shachain *chain,
/* You have to insert them in order! */
assert(index == chain->min_index - 1 ||
(index == (shachain_index_t)(-1ULL) && chain->num_valid == 0));
(index == (shachain_index_t)(UINT64_MAX >> (64 - SHACHAIN_BITS))
&& chain->num_valid == 0));
pos = count_trailing_zeroes(index);
......@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
#define shachain_index_t uint64_t
#define SHACHAIN_BITS (sizeof(shachain_index_t) * 8)
* shachain_from_seed - Generate an unpredictable SHA from a seed value.
* @seed: (secret) seed value to use
......@@ -56,7 +60,7 @@ struct shachain {
struct {
shachain_index_t index;
struct sha256 hash;
} known[sizeof(shachain_index_t) * 8 + 1];
} known[SHACHAIN_BITS + 1];
#! /usr/bin/make
# 48 bit index for shachain. This is what lightning uses.
CCAN_OBJS:=ccan-str.o ccan-err.o ccan-hex.o ccan-shachain.o ccan-sha256.o ccan-rbuf.o
all: shachain48
shachain48: shachain48.o $(CCAN_OBJS)
shachain48.o: $(CCANDIR)/ccan/crypto/shachain/shachain.h \
$(CCANDIR)/ccan/str/hex/hex.h \
$(CCANDIR)/ccan/str/str.h \
$(CCANDIR)/ccan/err/err.h \
shachain48.o $(CCAN_OBJS): $(CCANDIR)/config.h
$(MAKE) -C $(CCANDIR) config.h
rm -f shachain *.o
ccan-err.o: $(CCANDIR)/ccan/err/err.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
ccan-hex.o: $(CCANDIR)/ccan/str/hex/hex.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
ccan-str.o: $(CCANDIR)/ccan/str/str.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
ccan-shachain.o: $(CCANDIR)/ccan/crypto/shachain/shachain.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
ccan-sha256.o: $(CCANDIR)/ccan/crypto/sha256/sha256.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
ccan-rbuf.o: $(CCANDIR)/ccan/rbuf/rbuf.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
#include <ccan/crypto/shachain/shachain.h>
#include <ccan/str/hex/hex.h>
#include <ccan/str/str.h>
#include <ccan/err/err.h>
#include <ccan/rbuf/rbuf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc == 2 && streq(argv[1], "--store")) {
struct shachain s;
struct rbuf rbuf;
size_t size = rbuf_good_size(STDIN_FILENO);
char *p;
rbuf_init(&rbuf, STDIN_FILENO, malloc(size), size);
while ((p = rbuf_read_str(&rbuf, '\n', realloc)) != NULL) {
struct sha256 hash;
unsigned long long idx;
if (strstarts(p, "0x"))
p += 2;
if (!hex_decode(p, 64, &hash, sizeof(hash)))
errx(2, "%.*s is not 64 chars of hex", 64, p);
p += 64;
p += strspn(p, " \t");
idx = strtoull(p, NULL, 0);
if (shachain_add_hash(&s, idx, &hash))
} else if (argc == 3) {
struct sha256 seed, hash;
const char *p;
unsigned long long idx;
char hex[65];
if (strstarts(argv[1], "0x"))
p = argv[1] + 2;
p = argv[1];
idx = strtoull(argv[2], NULL, 0);
if (!hex_decode(p, 64, &seed, sizeof(seed)))
errx(2, "%s is not 64 chars of hex", p);
shachain_from_seed(&seed, idx, &hash);
hex_encode(&hash, sizeof(hash), hex, sizeof(hex));
printf("0x%s\n", hex);
} else
errx(1, "Usage: shachain --store OR shachain <seed> <index>");
return 0;
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