Add explicit joins (and possibility for left-joins) for columns missing a...

Add explicit joins (and possibility for left-joins) for columns missing a related-key search at build time

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 631cab2b
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class ColumnMap(object):
self.raw_column_dict = {}
# Entries: column name
self.column_ignore_set = set()
self.join_table_set = set()
self.join_table_map = dict()
# BBB: Remove join_query_list and its uses when all RelatedKey
# methods have been converted to properly return each Join
# condition separately, and all uses of catalog's from_expression
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ class ColumnMap(object):
# When a column is registered in default group and is explicitely
# mapped to a table, we must mark its table as requiring a join with
# catalog table (unless it's the catalog table, of course).
self._addJoinTable(table, group)
self._addJoinTableForColumn(table, table + "." + column, group)
def ignoreColumn(self, column):
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ class ColumnMap(object):
# Although the list of tables those columns belong to is known
# earlier (in "build"), mapping them here
# - avoids code duplication (registerTable, resolveColumn,
# _addJoinTable)
# _addJoinTableForColumn)
# - offers user to vote for an unknown table, overriding this
# forced mapping.
use_allowed = table_name == catalog_table_name or \
......@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ class ColumnMap(object):
self.registerTable(table_name, group=group)
self.resolveColumn(column_name, table_name, group=group)
if table_name != catalog_table_name:
self._addJoinTable(table_name, group)
self._addJoinTableForColumn(table_name, column_name, group)
def build(self, sql_catalog):
......@@ -424,9 +424,9 @@ class ColumnMap(object):
table_alias_number_dict[alias_table_name] = table_alias_number
self.resolveTable(table_name, alias, group=group)
# now that we have all aliases, calculate inner joins comming from
# now that we have all aliases, calculate missing joins comming from
# non-RelatedKey relationships (like full_text).
# and all left joins that did not come from explicit queries
# (i.e. joins comming from 'sort_on', 'select_dict', etc.)
for join_query in join_query_to_build_list:
......@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ class ColumnMap(object):
def _addJoinTable(self, table_name, group=DEFAULT_GROUP_ID):
def _addJoinTableForColumn(self, table_name, column, group=DEFAULT_GROUP_ID):
Declare given table as requiring to be joined with catalog table on uid.
......@@ -571,11 +571,11 @@ class ColumnMap(object):
# Register uid column if it is not already
self.resolveColumn('uid', catalog_table)
self.join_table_set.add((group, table_name))
self.join_table_map.setdefault((group, table_name), set()).add(column)
def getJoinTableAliasList(self):
return [self.getTableAlias(table_name, group=group)
for (group, table_name) in self.join_table_set]
for (group, table_name) in self.join_table_map.keys()]
def _getTableOverride(self, table_name):
# self.table_override_map is a dictionary mapping table names to
......@@ -671,20 +671,31 @@ class ColumnMap(object):
self.table_definition = join_definition
# def getFinalTableDefinition(self):
# self._calculateInnerJoins()
# self._calculateMissingJoins()
# return self.getTableDefinition()
def _calculateInnerJoins(self):
def _calculateMissingJoins(self):
left_join_set = set(self.left_join_list)
catalog_table_alias = self.getCatalogTableAlias()
for group, table_name in self.join_table_set:
for (group, table_name), column_set in self.join_table_map.items():
# if any of the columns for this implicit join was requested as a
#left-join, then all columns will be subject to a left-join.
# XXX What if one of the columns was an actual query, as opposed to a
# sort column or select_dict? This would cause results in the main
# catalog that don't match the query to be present as well. We expect
# the user which passes a left_join_list to know what he is doing.
if column_set.intersection(left_join_set):
Join = LeftJoin
Join = InnerJoin
table_alias = self.getTableAlias(table_name, group=group)
table_alias_def = self.makeTableAliasDefinition(table_name, table_alias)
# XXX: perhaps refactor some of the code below to do:
# self._inner_table_definition.addInnerJoin(TableAlias(...),
# condition=(...))
# XXX ColumnMap shouldn't have SQL knowledge
condition=('`%s`.`uid` = `%s`.`uid`' %
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