Commit 748192f6 authored by PX4BuildBot's avatar PX4BuildBot

autogenerated headers for rev...

autogenerated headers for rev
parent cc6cc208
......@@ -1243,13 +1243,13 @@ typedef enum RC_TYPE
/** @brief Enumeration of possible waypoint/trajectory representation */
/** @brief WORK IN PROGRESS! DO NOT DEPLOY! Enumeration of possible waypoint/trajectory representation */
MAV_TRAJECTORY_REPRESENTATION_WAYPOINTS=0, /* Array of waypoints with the following order |X-coordinate of waypoint [m], set to NaN if not being used| Y-coordinate of waypoint [m], set to NaN if not being used| Z-coordinate of waypoint [m], set to NaN if not being used| X-velocity of waypoint [m/s], set to NaN if not being used| Y-velocity of waypoint [m/s], set to NaN if not being used| Z-velocity of waypoint [m/s], set to NaN if not being used| X-acceleration of waypoint [m/s/s], set to NaN if not being used| Y-acceleration of waypoint [m/s/s], set to NaN if not being used| Z-acceleration of waypoint [m/s/s], set to NaN if not being used| Yaw [rad], set to NaN for unchanged| Yaw-rate [rad/s], set to NaN for unchanged| */
MAV_TRAJECTORY_REPRESENTATION_BEZIER=1, /* Array of bezier points with the following order |X-coordinate of starting bezier point [m], set to NaN if not being used| Y-coordinate of starting bezier point [m], set to NaN if not being used| Z-coordinate of starting bezier point [m], set to NaN if not being used| Bezier time horizon [s], set to NaN if velocity/acceleration should not be incorporated| Yaw [rad], set to NaN for unchanged| */
MAV_TRAJECTORY_REPRESENTATION_BEZIER=1, /* WORK IN PROGRESS! DO NOT DEPLOY! Array of bezier points with the following order |X-coordinate of starting bezier point [m], set to NaN if not being used| Y-coordinate of starting bezier point [m], set to NaN if not being used| Z-coordinate of starting bezier point [m], set to NaN if not being used| Bezier time horizon [s], set to NaN if velocity/acceleration should not be incorporated| Yaw [rad], set to NaN for unchanged| */
......@@ -2905,7 +2905,7 @@
<description>Enumeration of possible waypoint/trajectory representation</description>
<description>WORK IN PROGRESS! DO NOT DEPLOY! Enumeration of possible waypoint/trajectory representation</description>
<description>Array of waypoints with the following order</description>
<param index="1">X-coordinate of waypoint [m], set to NaN if not being used</param>
......@@ -2921,7 +2921,7 @@
<param index="11">Yaw-rate [rad/s], set to NaN for unchanged</param>
<description>Array of bezier points with the following order</description>
<description>WORK IN PROGRESS! DO NOT DEPLOY! Array of bezier points with the following order</description>
<param index="1">X-coordinate of starting bezier point [m], set to NaN if not being used</param>
<param index="2">Y-coordinate of starting bezier point [m], set to NaN if not being used</param>
<param index="3">Z-coordinate of starting bezier point [m], set to NaN if not being used</param>
......@@ -4696,7 +4696,7 @@
<field type="float[21]" name="twist_covariance">Twist (states: vx, vy, vz, rollspeed, pitchspeed, yawspeed) covariance matrix upper right triangle (first six entries are the first ROW, next five entries are the second ROW, etc.)</field>
<message id="332" name="TRAJECTORY">
<description>Message to describe a trajectory in the local frame. Supported trajectory types are enumerated in MAV_TRAJECTORY_REPRESENTATION</description>
<description>WORK IN PROGRESS! DO NOT DEPLOY! Message to describe a trajectory in the local frame. Supported trajectory types are enumerated in MAV_TRAJECTORY_REPRESENTATION</description>
<field type="uint64_t" name="time_usec" units="us">Timestamp (microseconds since system boot or since UNIX epoch).</field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="type" enum="MAV_TRAJECTORY_REPRESENTATION">Waypoints, Bezier etc. see MAV_TRAJECTORY_REPRESENTATION</field>
<field type="float[11]" name="point_1">Depending on the type (see MAV_TRAJECTORY_REPRESENTATION)</field>
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