Commit 426d1652 authored by Matthew Holt's avatar Matthew Holt

expvar: Allow no args; publish number of goroutines

parent a3127bed
package setup
import (
_ "expvar"
stdexpvar "expvar"
......@@ -14,6 +16,9 @@ func ExpVar(c *Controller) (middleware.Middleware, error) {
return nil, err
// publish any extra information/metrics we may want to capture
expvar := expvar.ExpVar{Resource: resource}
return func(next middleware.Handler) middleware.Handler {
......@@ -24,12 +29,13 @@ func ExpVar(c *Controller) (middleware.Middleware, error) {
func expVarParse(c *Controller) (expvar.Resource, error) {
var resource expvar.Resource
var err error
for c.Next() {
args := c.RemainingArgs()
switch len(args) {
case 0:
resource = expvar.Resource(defaultExpvarPath)
case 1:
resource = expvar.Resource(args[0])
......@@ -39,3 +45,16 @@ func expVarParse(c *Controller) (expvar.Resource, error) {
return resource, err
func publishExtraVars() {
// By using sync.Once instead of an init() function, we don't clutter
// the app's expvar export unnecessarily, or risk colliding with it.
publishOnce.Do(func() {
stdexpvar.Publish("Goroutines", stdexpvar.Func(func() interface{} {
return runtime.NumGoroutine()
var publishOnce sync.Once // publishing variables should only be done once
var defaultExpvarPath = "/debug/vars"
......@@ -7,29 +7,32 @@ import (
func TestExpvar(t *testing.T) {
c := NewTestController(`expvar /d/v`)
c := NewTestController(`expvar`)
mid, err := ExpVar(c)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected no errors, got: %v", err)
if mid == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected middleware, was nil instead")
c = NewTestController(`expvar /d/v`)
mid, err = ExpVar(c)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected no errors, got: %v", err)
if mid == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected middleware, was nil instead")
handler := mid(EmptyNext)
myHandler, ok := handler.(expvar.ExpVar)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Expected handler to be type ExpVar, got: %#v", handler)
if myHandler.Resource != "/d/v" {
t.Errorf("Expected /d/v as expvar resource")
if !SameNext(myHandler.Next, EmptyNext) {
t.Error("'Next' field of handler was not set properly")
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ CHANGES
- New pprof directive for exposing process performance profile
- New expvar directive for reading memory/GC performance
- New -restart option to force in-process restarts on Unix systems
- Toggle case-sensitive path matching with environment variable
- proxy: New max_conns setting to limit max connections per upstream
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