Commit 4b349805 authored by Matthew Holt's avatar Matthew Holt

browse: better-looking sort order arrows

parent 47096e11
......@@ -139,6 +139,11 @@ th {
text-align: left;
th a {
color: #000;
text-decoration: none;
@media (max-width: 700px) {
.hideable {
display: none;
......@@ -204,27 +209,27 @@ th {
{{if and (eq .Sort "name") (ne .Order "desc")}}
<a href="?sort=name&order=desc">Name&#8595;</a>
<a href="?sort=name&order=desc">Name &#9650;</a>
{{else if and (eq .Sort "name") (ne .Order "asc")}}
<a href="?sort=name&order=asc">Name&#8593;</a>
<a href="?sort=name&order=asc">Name &#9660;</a>
<a href="?sort=name&order=asc">Name</a>
{{if and (eq .Sort "size") (ne .Order "desc")}}
<a href="?sort=size&order=desc">Size&#8595;</a>
<a href="?sort=size&order=desc">Size &#9650;</a>
{{else if and (eq .Sort "size") (ne .Order "asc")}}
<a href="?sort=size&order=asc">Size&#8593;</a>
<a href="?sort=size&order=asc">Size &#9660;</a>
<a href="?sort=size&order=asc">Size</a>
<th class="hideable">
{{if and (eq .Sort "time") (ne .Order "desc")}}
<a href="?sort=time&order=desc">Modified&#8595;</a>
<a href="?sort=time&order=desc">Modified &#9650;</a>
{{else if and (eq .Sort "time") (ne .Order "asc")}}
<a href="?sort=time&order=asc">Modified&#8593;</a>
<a href="?sort=time&order=asc">Modified &#9660;</a>
<a href="?sort=time&order=asc">Modified</a>
- browse: Click column heading to sort
- git: Pull changes immediately with GitHub webhook
- gzip: Filter by path and extension
- gzip: Customize compression level
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