Commit 4d780136 authored by Matthew Holt's avatar Matthew Holt

Clean up flags

parent a39ed282
......@@ -30,23 +30,20 @@ const (
func init() {
flag.BoolVar(&letsencrypt.Agreed, "agree", false, "Agree to Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement")
flag.StringVar(&letsencrypt.CAUrl, "ca", "", "Certificate authority ACME server")
flag.StringVar(&conf, "conf", "", "Configuration file to use (default="+caddy.DefaultConfigFile+")")
flag.StringVar(&cpu, "cpu", "100%", "CPU cap")
flag.StringVar(&letsencrypt.DefaultEmail, "email", "", "Default Let's Encrypt account email address")
flag.StringVar(&caddy.Host, "host", caddy.DefaultHost, "Default host")
flag.BoolVar(&caddy.HTTP2, "http2", true, "HTTP/2 support") // TODO: temporary flag until http2 merged into std lib
flag.StringVar(&logfile, "log", "", "Process log file")
flag.StringVar(&pidfile, "pidfile", "", "Path to write pid file")
flag.StringVar(&caddy.Port, "port", caddy.DefaultPort, "Default port")
flag.BoolVar(&caddy.Quiet, "quiet", false, "Quiet mode (no initialization output)")
flag.StringVar(&revoke, "revoke", "", "Hostname for which to revoke the certificate")
flag.StringVar(&caddy.Root, "root", caddy.DefaultRoot, "Root path to default site")
flag.BoolVar(&version, "version", false, "Show version")
// TODO: Boulder dev URL is:
// TODO: Staging API URL is:
// TODO: Production endpoint is:
flag.BoolVar(&letsencrypt.Agreed, "agree", false, "Agree to Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement")
flag.StringVar(&letsencrypt.CAUrl, "ca", "", "Certificate authority ACME server")
flag.StringVar(&letsencrypt.DefaultEmail, "email", "", "Default Let's Encrypt account email address")
flag.StringVar(&logfile, "log", "", "Process log file")
flag.StringVar(&revoke, "revoke", "", "Hostname for which to revoke the certificate")
func main() {
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