Commit 659df696 authored by Matthew Holt's avatar Matthew Holt

letsencrypt: Don't assume default port of 443

parent b9244cdf
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ func existingCertAndKey(host string) bool {
// disk (if already exists) or created new and registered via ACME
// and saved to the file system for next time.
func newClient(leEmail string) (*acme.Client, error) {
return newClientPort(leEmail, exposePort)
return newClientPort(leEmail, "")
// newClientPort does the same thing as newClient, except it creates a
......@@ -469,14 +469,10 @@ var (
// Some essential values related to the Let's Encrypt process
const (
// The port to expose to the CA server for Simple HTTP Challenge.
// NOTE: Let's Encrypt requires port 443. If exposePort is not 443,
// then port 443 must be forwarded to exposePort.
exposePort = "443"
// If port 443 is in use by a Caddy server instance, then this is
// port on which the acme client will solve challenges. (Whatever is
// listening on port 443 must proxy ACME requests to this port.)
// alternatePort is the port on which the acme client will open a
// listener and solve the CA's challenges. If this alternate port
// is used instead of the default port (80 or 443), then the
// default port for the challenge must be forwarded to this one.
alternatePort = "5033"
// How often to check certificates for renewal.
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