Commit 9e163a65 authored by Abiola Ibrahim's avatar Abiola Ibrahim

Use proper struct constructors instead.

parent 4d867e84
......@@ -105,8 +105,12 @@ func generateStaticHTML(md Markdown, cfg *Config) error {
reqPath = filepath.ToSlash(reqPath)
reqPath = "/" + reqPath
// Create empty requests and url to cater for template values.
req, _ := http.NewRequest("", "/", nil)
urlVar, _ := url.Parse("/")
// Generate the static file
ctx := middleware.Context{Root: md.FileSys, Req: new(http.Request), URL: new(url.URL)}
ctx := middleware.Context{Root: md.FileSys, Req: req, URL: urlVar}
_, err = md.Process(cfg, reqPath, body, ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
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