Commit accb3e61 authored by Nimi Wariboko Jr's avatar Nimi Wariboko Jr

Add warning message when tls is disabled when its used on http

parent 68793ffe
package setup
import ""
import (
func TLS(c *Controller) (middleware.Middleware, error) {
c.TLS.Enabled = c.Port != "http"
c.TLS.Enabled = true
if c.Port == "http" {
c.TLS.Enabled = false
log.Printf("Warning: TLS was disabled on host http://%s."+
" Make sure you are specifying https://%s in your config (if you haven't already)."+
" If you meant to serve tls on port 80,"+
" specify port 80 in your config (http://%s:80).", c.Host, c.Host, c.Host)
for c.Next() {
if !c.NextArg() {
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