Commit f56696f4 authored by Richard Hartmann's avatar Richard Hartmann Committed by Matt Holt

rlimit_posix.go: Use backticks for shell code (#2235)

parent fcbb90a9
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ func checkFdlimit() {
err := syscall.Getrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, rlimit)
if err == nil && rlimit.Cur < min {
fmt.Printf("WARNING: File descriptor limit %d is too low for production servers. "+
"At least %d is recommended. Fix with \"ulimit -n %d\".\n", rlimit.Cur, min, min)
"At least %d is recommended. Fix with `ulimit -n %d`.\n", rlimit.Cur, min, min)
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