Commit 1d5d78d7 authored by satmandu's avatar satmandu Committed by GitHub

Use upx & shrink_dir by default (#5944)

* Use upx & shrink_dir by default

* bump version
parent 1bfcd010
......@@ -970,9 +970,7 @@ def strip_dir(dir)
def shrink_dir(dir)
# We might also want a package option to avoid using these tools
# on specific packages such as sommelier & xwayland.
unless ENV['CREW_SHRINK_ARCHIVE'] == '0'
Dir.chdir dir do
if File.exist?("#{CREW_PREFIX}/bin/rdfind")
puts "Using rdfind to find duplicate or hard linked files."
......@@ -991,7 +989,8 @@ def shrink_dir(dir)
# Logic here is to find executable binaries, compress after making
# a backup, then expand the compressed file with upx. If the
# expansion doesn't error out then it is ok to delete the backup.
@execfiles = %x[find . -executable -type f ! \\( -name \"*.so*\" -o -name \"*.a\" \\) -exec sh -c \"file -i \'{}\' | grep -q \'executable; charset=binary\'\" \\; -print].chomp
# Disable for sommelier.elf and Xwayland.elf since upx breaks those binaries.
@execfiles = %x[find . -executable -type f ! \\( -name \"*.so*\" -o -name \"*.a\" -o -name \"Xwayland.elf\" -o -name \"sommelier.elf\" \\) -exec sh -c \"file -i \'{}\' | grep -q \'executable; charset=binary\'\" \\; -print].chomp
unless @execfiles.empty? or @execfiles.nil?
puts "Using upx to shrink binaries."
@execfiles.each_line do |execfile|
# Defines common constants used in different parts of crew
CREW_VERSION = '1.11.7'
CREW_VERSION = '1.11.8'
ARCH_ACTUAL = `uname -m`.strip
# This helps with virtualized builds on aarch64 machines
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