Commit 1e3137f6 authored by Casey Strouse's avatar Casey Strouse

Update tig to 2.2.1

Now uses and correctly finds ncurses without explictly
passing an include path to CPPFLAGS.
parent c44dd0c6
require 'package' # include package class file
class Tig < Package # name the package and make it a Package class instance
version '1.9a' # software version
source_url '' # software source tarball url
source_sha1 'de01c3a52952172e42ae642d97a55505d7e09efd' # source tarball sha1 sum
version '2.2.1' # software version
source_url '' # software source tarball url
source_sha1 '704e35ad3f54024d7ce14dade4294aacc0744b3d' # source tarball sha1 sum
depends_on 'readline' # software dependencies
depends_on 'ncurses'
def # contains commands needed to build the software from source
system "CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include/ncurses ./configure"
system "./"
system "./configure", "--prefix=/usr/local"
system "make" # ordered chronologically
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