Commit 4f5a0f28 authored by Damian Montero's avatar Damian Montero Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #756 from uberhacker/add-fasd-package

Add fasd package
parents 68386f6e 7f8fdae0
require 'package'
class Fasd < Package
description 'Command-line productivity booster, offers quick access to files and directories, inspired by autojump, z and v.'
homepage ''
version '1.0.1'
source_url ''
source_sha1 'aeb3f9c6f8f9e4355016e3255429bcad5c7a5689'
def self.install
system "sed -i 's,share/man,man,' Makefile"
system "make", "DESTDIR=#{CREW_DEST_DIR}", "install"
puts ""
puts "To get fasd working in a shell, some initialization code must be run:".lightblue
puts "echo 'eval \"\$(fasd --init auto)\"' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc".lightblue
puts ""
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